SAT Power Vocab - Princeton Review

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

DECRY (di KRY) v to put down; to denounce

DEFAME (di FAYM) v to libel or slander; to ruin the good name of DEFERENCE (DEF ur
uns) n submission to another’s will; respect; courtesy DEFILE (di FYLE) v to make filthy or
foul; to desecrate DEFUNCT (di FUNKT) adj no longer in effect; no longer in existence
DEGENERATE (di JEN uh rayt) v to break down; to deteriorate DEGRADE (di GRAYD) v
to lower in dignity or status; to corrupt; to deteriorate DEIGN (dayn) v to condescend; to
think it in accordance with one’s dignity (to do something) DEJECTED (di JEK tid) adj
depressed; disheartened DENOMINATION (di nahm uh NAY shun) n a classification; a
category name DENOUNCE (di NOWNS) v to condemn openly

DEPLETE (di PLEET) v to decrease the supply of; to exhaust; to use up DEPLORE (di
PLOHR) v to regret; to condemn; to lament DERIDE (di RYDE) v to ridicule; to laugh at
contemptuously DESPONDENT (dih SPAHN dunt) adj extremely depressed; full of despair
DEXTROUS (DEX trus) adj skillful; adroit

DICTUM (DIK tum) n an authoritative saying; an adage; a maxim; a proverb DISDAIN (DIS
dayn) v to regard with contempt (This word can also be an adjective.) DISPARAGE (dih
SPAR ij) v to belittle; to say uncomplimentary things about, usually in a somewhat indirect
way DISPARATE (DIS pur it) adj different; incompatible; unequal DISTINGUISH (di STING
gwish) v to tell apart; to cause to stand out DOGMATIC (dawg MAT ik) adj arrogantly
assertive of unproven ideas; stubbornly claiming that something (often a system of beliefs) is
beyond dispute DUBIOUS (DOO bee us) adj full of doubt; uncertain ELITE (i LEET) n the
best or most select group

ELOCUTION (el uh KYOO shun) n the art of public speaking (A related word is eloquent,
which means “well-spoken.”) ELUSIVE (ih LOO siv) adj hard to pin down; evasive EMPATHY
(EM puh thee) n identification with the feelings or thoughts of another EMPIRICAL (em PIR
uh kul) adj relying on experience or observation; not merely theoretical ENCROACH (en
KROHCH) v to make gradual or stealthy inroads into; to trespass EPHEMERAL (i FEM ur al)
adj lasting a very short time EPITOME (i PIT uh mee) n a brief summary that captures the
meaning of the whole; the perfect example of something; a paradigm EQUANIMITY (ek wuh
NIM uh tee) n composure; calm

EQUITABLE (EK wuh tuh bul) adj fair

EQUIVOCAL (ih KWIV uh kul) adj ambiguous; intentionally confusing; capable of being
interpreted in more than one way ERUDITION (ER eh di shen) n impressive or extensive
knowledge, usually achieved by studying and schooling; scholarly knowledge EULOGY (YOO
luh jee) n a spoken or written tribute to a person, especially a person who has just died
EVOKE (i VOHK) v to summon forth; to draw forth; to awaken; to produce or suggest
EXONERATE (ig ZAHN uh rayt) v to free completely from blame; to exculpate EXORBITANT
(ig ZOHR buh tent) adj excessively costly; excessive EXPATRIATE (eks PAY tree ayt) v to
throw (someone) out of his or her native land; to move away from one’s native land; to emigrate
EXPEDIENT (ik SPEE dee ent) adj providing an immediate advantage; serving one’s
immediate self-interest; practical EXPEDITE (EK spi dyte) v to speed up or ease the

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