SAT Power Vocab - Princeton Review

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Franklin    and others. A   phenomenon   is  simply  an  observable  event,  though  the     word    is
often used to describe something unusual.
4. The best clues here are “mannerisms” and “unconscious habits.” Quirks are
unusual characteristics in a person or idea.

Bonus Word Roots

1. To   navigate    means   to  travel  over    a   planned course.
2. A scribe is a writer.
3. A vent is an opening that permits the escape of something.
4. The circumference of a circle is its perimeter.
5. The root circum- means “around.”
6. In the passage, circumspect and wary mean “cautious.” “Branding,” “torture,”
and “murder” are all scary prospects, so Shakespeare would have been cautious and
careful (demonstrated by the fact that he kept himself anonymous).
7. spectator, spectacle, inspect (There are others; these are just suggestions!)
8. The root spect- relates to looking or watching.
9. Circumspect literally means “looking around” (cautiously), which combines the
roots circum- and spect-.
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