SAT Power Vocab - Princeton Review

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

ENCROACH (en KROHCH) v to make gradual or stealthy inroads into; to trespass

  • As the city grew, it encroached on the countryside surrounding it.

  • With an encroaching sense of dread, I slowly pushed open the blood-spattered door.

  • My neighbor encroached on my yard by building his new stockade fence a few feet on my
    side of the property line.

EQUANIMITY (ek wuh NIM uh tee) n composure; calm

  • The entire apartment building was crumbling, but Rachel faced the disaster with
    equanimity. She ducked out of the way of a falling beam and continued searching for an

  • John’s mother looked at the broken glass on the floor with equanimity; at least he didn’t
    hurt himself when he knocked over the vase.

EQUITABLE (EK wuh tuh bul) adj fair

  • The pirates distributed the loot equitably among themselves, so that each pirate received
    the same share as every other pirate.

  • The divorce settlement was quite equitable. Sheila got the right half of the house, and
    Tom got the left half.

Equity is fairness; inequity is unfairness. Iniquity and inequity both mean unfair, but iniquity
implies wickedness as well. By the way, equity is also a finance term used to refer to how
much something (usually property or a business) is worth after subtracting what is owed on it,
i.e., home equity.

EQUIVOCAL (ih KWIV uh kul) adj ambiguous; intentionally confusing; capable of being
interpreted in more than one way To be equivocal is to be intentionally ambiguous or unclear.

  • Joe’s response was equivocal; we couldn’t tell whether he meant yes or no, which is
    precisely what Joe wanted.

  • Dr. Festen’s equivocal diagnosis made us think that he had no idea what Mrs. Johnson

To be equivocal is to equivocate. To equivocate is to mislead by saying confusing or
ambiguous things:

  • When we asked Harold whether that was his car that was parked in the middle of the
    hardware store, he equivocated and asked, “In which aisle?”

EVOKE (i VOHK) v to summon forth; to draw forth; to awaken; to produce or suggest

  • The car trip with our children evoked many memories of similar car trips I had taken with my
    own parents when I was a child.

  • Professor Herman tried repeatedly but was unable to evoke any but the most meager
    response from his students.

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