SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Unit I Exercise Sets II and III Answer Key

Exercise Set II

  1. ANIMA: spirit, life, mind
    unanimous, magnanimous,
    animosity, animation,
    animal, inanimate

  2. VAC: empty
    vacate, evacuate, vacuum,
    vacuous, vacation, vacant

  3. BENE: good
    benevolent, beneficiary,
    bonus, bona fide, benediction

  4. EU: good
    euphemism, eulogy, euphony,
    euphoria, eugenics

  5. LOQU: talk
    loquacious, eloquent,
    ventriloquist, elocution,
    6. CIRCUM: around
    circumference, circumnavi-
    gate, circumlocute, circuit,
    7. EX-, E-: out
    emit, extract, exclaim, exit,
    egregious, enormous
    8. LEG: law
    allege, legal, legitimate,
    9. JUR: oath, law
    jurisdiction, abjure, adjure,
    jury, jurisprudence

  6. VERB: word
    verbatim, verbose, verbal,
    verbalize, proverb

  7. JUD: judge
    adjudicate, judicious,
    adjudge, judiciary

  8. CIS: cut
    incisive, scissors, concise,
    schism, decide, suicide

  9. CO-: together, with
    cooperate, connect, correlate,
    committee, collect, conspire

  10. VOLE: wish
    voluntary, benevolent,
    malevolent, volition

  11. GRAT: please, thank
    gratify, ingratiate, ingrate,
    congratulate, gratuity

Exercise Set III

  1. N

  2. Y

  3. Y

  4. N

  5. N

  6. mutate

  7. vacuous

  8. equanimity

  9. pedestrian

  10. hackneyed

  11. phlegmatic

  12. recalcitrant

  13. querulous

  14. brusque

  15. garrulous

  16. schism

  17. perspicacious

  18. judicious

  19. scrutinize

  20. acumen

  21. circumlocution

  22. anecdote

  23. vacillate

  24. protean

  25. lassitude

  26. lethargy

  27. pusillanimity

  28. euphemistic

  29. adjudication

  30. perjury

  31. inscrutable

  32. congenital

  33. magnanimous

  34. adjure

  35. grandiloquent

  36. eulogy

  37. benign

  38. euphemism

  39. gratify

  40. elocution

  41. jurisdiction

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