SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Vocabulary Unit 2

Vocabulary Lesson 8: Sneaky Sneaky

Today’s roots: duplit twofold pseudo fake
nym name rapere to seize

❑ spurious(adj) fake; counterfeit

The head of the FBI cursed the spurioustip that incorrectly led them to an abandoned warehouse.
Synonyms:fictitious, dubious, fabricated Antonyms:authentic, substantiated

❑ guile(n) trickery; deceit

The Big Bad Wolf deceived Little Red Riding Hood with guileand cunning.
Synonyms:cleverness, cunning, duplicity Antonyms:candor, straightforwardness

❑ beguile(v) to deceive with charm

The con artist beguiledme out of my money, convincing me to play his game over and over.
Synonyms:charm, entrance, captivate Antonym:disenchant

❑ strategem(n) a deceitful scheme (strategosarmy general)

The teenager devised an elaborate strategemto escape his parents’ curfew.
Synonyms:ploy, gimmick, ruse, subterfuge

❑ surreptitious(adj) deceptive; sneaky (sub- secretly +rapereseize)

Thesurreptitiousmovements of the lion lured the gazelle into a trap.
Synonyms:covert, furtive, stealthy Antonyms:honest, trustworthy, overt

❑ clandestine(adj) secret; hidden

Theclandestinemilitary facility in the capital city was unknown even to the President of the United States.
Synonyms:stealthy, surreptitious, covert Antonyms:forthright, straightforward, candid

❑ stealth(n) sneakiness; ability to avoid detection

The “stealthbomber” is so effective because it is undetectable by most radars.
Synonyms:furtiveness, covertness Antonyms:perceptible, observable

❑ duplicity(n) deceit; hypocritical deception (duplittwofold)

Synonyms:chicanery, improbity

❑ specious(adj) false, but plausible (specereto look at)

Synonyms:ostensible, sophistic

❑ furtive(adj) secretive; sneaky

Synonyms:stealthy, cloaked, guileful

❑ pseudonym(n) pen name (pseudo-fake+onomaname)

Synonyms:alias, anonym

❑ fallacious(adj) deceptive; false (fallaciadeceit+-iousfull of )

Synonyms:delusory, erroneous

❑ rapacious(adj) greedy; ravenous (rapereseize+-iousfull of )

Synonyms:ravenous, covetous
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