SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Vocabulary Lesson 10: If You Can’t Say Anything Nice...

Today’s roots: dia thoroughly, through de- down
dictus declared, word pugn to fight

❑ censure(n) official condemnation; harsh criticism (censorRoman supervisor for morals)

Congress voted to declare censureon the representative who took money and gifts from a lobbyist.
Synonyms:castigation, derision, rebuke Antonyms:laudation, endorsement

❑ calumny(n) slander; false accusation

Too many tabloids know that calumnyabout celebrities is more profitable than the truth.
Synonyms:libel, denigration, defamation Antonyms:acclaim, extolment, approbation

❑ diatribe(n) malicious criticism or abuse (dia-through+tribeinto rub)

A good debate must avoid vicious personal diatribe,and focus on a respectful discussion of issues.
Synonyms:castigation, derision, harangue Antonyms:laudation, extolment, honor

❑ caustic(adj) corrosive; sarcastic

James immediately regretted making such a causticremark; he could tell his words truly hurt Vanessa.
Synonyms:abrasive, acrimonious Antonyms:mitigating, conciliatory, mollifying

❑ repudiate(v) to cast off publicly (repudiumdivorce)

The consumers repudiatedthe shoe company for using sweatshops, and began buying from its competitor.
Synonyms:disavow, abjure, forswear Antonym:condone

❑ derogatory(adj) disparaging; belittling (de-down, away)

Derogatoryremarks are not allowed in class; discussions should criticize ideas, not people.
Synonyms:pejorative, derisive, disparaging

❑ admonish(v) to reprimand mildly (ad-to+monereto warn)

The boy was admonishedby his mom for spilling his soda on the brand-new rug.
Synonyms:rebuke, reprove Antonyms:laud, revere, endorse

❑ disparage(v) to belittle; to demean (dis-apart+paragerank, peer)

Synonyms:deprecate, discredit

❑ impugn(v) to attack as untrue; to refute by argument (in-against+pugnto fight)

❑ malediction(n) a curse (mal-bad+dictusdeclared)

Synonyms:anathema, execration

❑ denigrate(v) to attack the character of; to disparage

Synonyms:slander, decry

❑ harangue(n) a long, critical, and pompous speech

Synonyms:diatribe, discourse

❑ pejorative(adj) tending to make worse (pejorworse)

The senator suggested that discussing the issue dispassionately would be more productive than slinging pejorative
personal comments.

❑ slander(n) false comments that injure another’s reputation (scandalumscandal)

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