SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Vocabulary Lesson 11: Holy Cow

Today’s roots: sacer sacred venus respect, love
sanctus holy vereri respect

❑ sanctimonious(adj) falsely pious or self-righteous (sanctusholy)

I prefer ministers who are real people, not sanctimoniousknow-it-all preachers.
Synonyms:holier-than-thou, self-righteous, unctuous Antonyms:sincere, unaffected, guileless

❑ sacrosanct(adj) profoundly sacred (sacersacred+sanctusholy)

To Hindus, the cow is a sacrosanctcreature to be treated with the utmost respect.
Synonyms:inviolable, consecrated, divine, revered Antonym:unholy

❑ sanctuary(n) a place of refuge; a sacred place (sanctusholy)

The Notre Dame cathedral is a sanctuaryto all; anyone in need of a safe place to rest is welcome.
Synonyms:shrine, asylum

❑ sacrilegious(adj) grossly irreverent; disrespectful of something sacred (sacersacred)

To Hindus, to whom cows are sacred, the mass slaughter of cattle is considered sacrilegious.
Synonyms:blasphemous, desecrating, impious Antonyms:reverent, pious

❑ revere(v) to regard with honor and devotion (re-intensive+vererirespect)

Every genre of music has its stars, whom fans reverelike gods.
Synonyms:venerate, idolize, esteem Antonyms:condemn, loathe

❑ pious(adj) showing religious reverence

Cotton Mather, being a devoted Puritan, considered it his piousduty to hang anyone in Salem accused of witchcraft.
Synonyms:devout, reverential Antonyms:irreverent, blasphemous

❑ deference(n) respect for the wishes of others (de-away+ferrecarry)

It is important to show deferenceto your elders and treat them with respect.
Synonyms:courtesy, reverence Antonyms:irreverence, impertinence

❑ sacrament(n) a formal religious act or oath (sacersacred)

Synonyms:rite, liturgy

❑ venerable(adj) worthy of respect (venusrespect)

Synonyms:revered, honorable

❑ venerate(v) to regard with reverence or respect (venusrespect)

Synonyms:revere, extol

❑ consecrate(v) to declare to be holy (sacersacred)

The marriage was consecratedby both a priest and an imam.
Synonyms:venerate, bless

❑ talisman(n) an object with magical powers (telosresult)

Synonyms:charm, amulet

❑ lionize(v) to treat as a celebrity

Synonyms:glorify, exalt, panegyrize, apotheosize, deify
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