SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Vocabulary Lesson 12: Power It Up!

Today’s roots: potens strong in-, im- not
domit lord efficere to effect

❑ formidable(adj) awesome; hard to overcome; dreadful (formidofear)

The Yankees are a formidableteam; we’ll be lucky to win a single game against them this year.
Synonyms:indomitable, redoubtable Antonyms:anemic, ineffectual

❑ potent(adj) strong and effective (potensstrong)

Although the drug is clearly the most potenttreatment for depression, it also has the strongest side effects.
Synonyms:efficacious, forceful Antonyms:impotent, enervated, feckless

❑ bulwark(n) a strong defense

The newly constructed dam is in place as a bulwarkagainst future flooding.
Synonyms:bastion, redoubt, rampart

❑ indomitable(adj) unable to be conquered (in-not+domitlord)

Theindomitablecastle has been under the control of the Spaniards for 6,000 years, despite repeated attacks.
Synonyms:impregnable, invincible

❑ redoubtable(adj) arousing fear; formidable; awesome (re-intensive+douterto doubt)

The mob boss is a redoubtablefigure who makes his enemies cower in fear.
Synonyms:formidable, intimidating

❑ robust(adj) full of vigor

Therobustyoung men were able to run miles at a time through the rugged terrain without breaking a sweat.
Synonyms:brawny, athletic, potent Antonyms:weak, delicate

❑ impervious(adj) incapable of being penetrated or affected (im-not+per-through+viaroad)

Bulletproof vests are almost always imperviousto bullets.
Synonyms:impenetrable, impregnable Antonyms:permeable, penetrable

❑ efficacious(adj) capable of producing a desired effect (efficereto effect)


❑ stalwart(n) physically or morally strong person; strong supporter

Synonyms:mainstay, partisan

❑ impotent(adj) lacking strength or power (im-not+potensstrong)

Synonyms:enervated, effete

❑ predominant(adj) most important (pre-before+domitlord)

Synonyms:paramount, preeminent

❑ impregnable(adj) unable to be entered by force (im-not+prehenderegrasp)

The castle was an impregnablefortress.
Synonyms:impenetrable, invincible, indomitable

❑ brawn(n) muscular strength

Our best wrestler was allbrawnand no brains.
Synonyms:robustness, vigor

❑ bastion(n) stronghold, fortress

The college is a bastionof liberalism.
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