SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Vocabulary Lesson 13: Come Together

Today’s roots: co-, com-, con- together vocare to call
syn- same, together legere choose

❑ coalesce(v) to blend or fuse together (co-together)

Raindrops are usually formed when water vapor coalesceson microscopic particles in the atmosphere.
Synonyms:amalgamate, consolidate, fuse Antonyms:disperse, diverge, dissipate

❑ anthology(n) a collection of works

The Beatles’ Anthologyis one of the best-selling greatest hits albums of all time.
Synonyms:compilation, compendium, treasury

❑ convoke(v) to call together (con-together+vocarecall)

The village elders convokedthe citizens to discuss the sale of the ceremonial land.
Synonyms:assemble, summon Antonyms:dismiss, disperse

❑ synchronize(v) to arrange events to occur simultaneously (syn-same+chrontime)

Nothing is harder for a dance teacher than trying to synchronizeten eight-year-old ballerinas.

❑ synthesis(n) a fusion; a bringing together (syn-together+tithenaito put)

Thesynthesisof DNA occurs when many ribonucleic acids are joined together into one long double helix.
Synonyms:amalgam, composite, fusion Antonyms:division, disjuncture

❑ eclectic(adj) made up of parts from many different sources (ec-out+legereto choose)

Rob Mathes’ eclecticcompositions reveal a subtle yet effective blend of blues, gospel, classical, and jazz styles.
Synonyms:multifaceted, multifarious, manifold, diverse, synthesized

❑ yoke(v) to join different things

Politicians often yokeunpopular legislation to popular bills so that they can sneak them through Congress.

❑ amalgam(n) a combination of different substances into one mass

Synonyms:composite, hybrid

❑ amass(v) to gather; to pile up

Weamasseda huge collection of CDs.
Synonyms:stockpile, accrue

❑ invoke(v) to call on for help or inspiration (in-in+vocarecall)

The judge invoked an obscure, seldom-used statute in order to keep the defendant in jail.

❑ compatible(adj) capable of living together harmoniously

The two were very compatibleroommates.

❑ contemporary(adj) living or occurring during the same time period (con-together+temporetime)

❑ predilection(n) disposition in favor of something (pre-before+legereto choose)

Scott has a strong predilectionfor chocolate.
Synonyms:inclination, bent, proclivity, propensity, penchant
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