SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Vocabulary Unit 2 Exercise Set III

  1. Should a good boxer be redoubtable? Y N

  2. Is a stalwartweak? Y N

  3. Can a mountain be evanescent? Y N

  4. Do compatiblethings work together well? Y N

  5. Is a diffidentperson haughty? Y N

Write the word with the given meaning.

  1. slander; false accusation c____

  2. reprimand mildly a____

  3. irregular; infrequent s____

  4. extended in time p____

  5. trickery; deceit g____

  6. sneaky s____

  7. greedy; ravenous r____

  8. to regard with honor r____

  9. magical object t____

  10. falsely pious s____

  11. a strong defense b____

  12. unconquerable i____

  13. to slander; defame v____

  14. scorn; disrespect c____

  15. deceitful scheme s____

  16. out of place in time a____

  17. place of refuge s____

  18. full of vigor r____

  19. collection of works a____

  20. call on for inspiration i____

Write the correct form of the italicized word.

  1. like an anomaly


  1. showing contempt


  1. having the quality of an anachronism

  2. to give censure

  3. having the tendency to evanesce

Write the word with the given meaning and root.

  1. deceit (duplit)

  2. fake name (nym)

  3. disparaging (de-)

  4. to attack as untrue (pugn)

  5. falsely pious (sanct)

  6. regard with respect (venus)

  7. most important (domit)

  8. weak (potens)

  9. blend or fuse together (co-)

  10. full of haughty arrogance (super-)

  11. to denounce abusively (vilis)

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