SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Vocabulary Unit 3

Vocabulary Lesson 15: Weak and Weaker

Today’s roots: batre to beat troph nourishment
sequi follow pli fold

❑ atrophy(v) to weaken from disuse (a-without+trophnourishment)

After surgery, extended bed rest often causes muscles to atrophyunless it is accompanied by physical therapy.
Synonyms:degenerate, deteriorate Antonyms:thrive, flourish

❑ abate(v) to subside; to decrease in intensity (ad-to+batreto beat)

The crews had to wait until the storm abatedbefore they could begin to assess the damage to the coastal town.
Synonyms:wane, diminish Antonyms:expand, amplify

❑ porous(adj) filled with many holes (porusopening)

The teenager’s story was a porousone that her parents could easily see through.
Synonyms:penetrable, pervious Antonyms:impervious, impenetrable, impregnable

❑ wane(v) to grow smaller or less intense

As the brightness of the moon wanesover the next few nights, it will become easier to see the surrounding stars.
Synonyms:abate, ebb Antonyms:wax, intensify

❑ lassitude(n) a feeling of weakness (lassusweary)

Although she tried valiantly to play through her illness, Danielle’s lassitudeovertook her in the second half.
Synonyms:listlessness, weariness Antonyms:vitality, vigor

❑ undermine(v) to weaken or diminish something

The continual setbacks to the project over many weeks underminedthe morale of the workers.
Synonyms:undercut, attenuate Antonyms:fortify, strengthen

❑ obsequious(adj) overly submissive (ob-to+sequifollow)

Synonyms:fawning, compliant

❑ attrition(n) a wearing away of strength or morale

Synonyms:debilitation, weakening

❑ enervate(v) to weaken someone’s vitality


❑ vulnerable(adj) prone to attack or harm

Synonyms:assailable, susceptible

❑ ebb(v) to decrease or decline slowly

Synonyms:wane, abate

❑ compliant(adj) submissive (plifold)

Synonyms:yielding, conciliatory

❑ debilitate(v) to sap the strength of (de-away+bilisstrength)

Synonyms:cripple, enervate
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