SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Vocabulary Lesson 17: Wanna Fight?

Today’s roots: bellum war pro- forward, forth
pugnare fight ire anger

❑ belligerent(adj) warlike; quarrelsome (bellumwar)

My brother is a belligerentguy; he picks his fair share of bar fights.
Synonyms:antagonistic, cantankerous, contentious Antonyms:passive, peaceful

❑ irascible(adj) easily angered (ireanger)

Adam’sirasciblenature landed him in anger management therapy; he overreacts to the smallest things.
Synonyms:choleric, splenetic, petulant Antonym:even-tempered

❑ volatile(adj) explosive; tending to evaporate quickly (volato fly)

The situation in the Middle East is a volatileone that must be handled with care.
Synonyms:unsettled, temperamental Antonym:stable

❑ rebuttal(n) refutation; opposing response to an argument (re-back)

After the opponent made his remarks, the debate team captain approached the podium to deliver her rebuttal.
Synonyms:repartee, rejoinder Antonym:agreement

❑ refute(v) to disprove; to rebut forcefully (refutareto drive back)

The judge found no evidence to refuteyour claim that the car is yours, so you get to keep it for now.
Synonyms:contradict, rebut Antonyms:support, endorse

❑ incite(v) to urge into action (citareto cause to move)

The rebels inciteda revolt in the small city by convincing the citizens that their mayor was a crook.
Synonyms:coax, cajole, instigate Antonym:dissuade

❑ pugnacious(adj) quarrelsome; warlike (pugnarefight)

Thepugnaciouspunk was happiest when his fists were pounding someone else’s chin.
Synonyms:truculent, belligerent Antonyms:pacific, passive

❑ bellicose(adj) warlike in manner (bellumwar)

Synonyms:pugnacious, belligerent

❑ harass(v) to bother; to annoy

Synonyms:irritate, torment

❑ assail(v) to attack or assault (ad-at+salireleap)


❑ tumultuous(adj) violently agitated

Synonyms:hectic, unruly

❑ instigate(v) to goad; to urge on

Synonyms:incite, foment, coax, cajole

❑ provocative(adj) tending to aggravate or stimulate (pro-forth+vocareto call)

Synonyms:goading, alluring

❑ propensity(n) a natural inclination; a tendency (pro- forth)

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