SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Vocabulary Lesson 19: Moving Right Along

Today’s roots: ambulare walk flux flow
pel, pul force, drive peri- around

❑ ambulatory(adj) capable of moving around (ambularewalk)

He must stay in bed for a week, and once he is ambulatoryhe will need crutches.
Synonyms:mobile, peripatetic Antonyms:static, immobile

❑ deviate(v) to swerve or deflect (de-away+viapath)

The tire sitting in the left lane of the highway caused the driver to deviatefrom her path.
Synonyms:digress, veer Antonym:conform

❑ influx(n) a flowing in (in-in+fluxflow)

The school saw quite an influxof new applicants once it increased the number of scholarships.
Synonyms:inundation, inpouring, immigration Antonyms:efflux, emigration

❑ meander(v) to wander aimlessly (from Maiandros,a Greek river known for its winding path)

The confused lost child meanderedthrough the streets with no apparent destination.
Synonyms:roam, drift

❑ peripatetic(adj) traveling from place to place (peri-around+pateinto walk)

The nomads were a peripateticclan; they never stayed in the same place very long.
Synonyms:itinerant, ambulant Antonyms:stationary, static

❑ impel(v) to put into motion; to urge (pelforce)

The zoo visitors were impelledinto action by the announcement that a lion was loose.
Synonyms:goad, spur Antonyms:impede, dissuade

❑ expedite(v) to speed up the progress of (ex-out+pesfoot: to free from entanglement)

The project was expeditedonce the CEO decided that its outcome reflected on him personally.
Synonyms:facilitate, hasten, precipitate, advance Antonyms:impede, hinder

❑ itinerant(adj) traveling from place to place

Synonyms:peripatetic, ambulant

❑ nomadic(adj) wandering without a permanent home

Synonyms:migratory, drifting

❑ peripheral(adj) located on the outer boundary (peri-around)


❑ compel(v) to urge into action by force (com-together+pelforce)

Synonyms:impel, coerce

❑ vagrant(adj) wandering from place to place (vaguswandering)

Synonyms:nomadic, peripatetic

❑ perambulate(v) to move about (per-through+ambularewalk)

Synonyms:wander, drift
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