SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Vocabulary Lesson 20: Going, Going, Gone!

Today’s roots: purgare cleanse re- back
deplare to empty ab- away

❑ raze(v) to destroy completely

The massive level-five hurricane razedthe entire port city, crushing everything in its path.
Synonyms:obliterate, decimate Antonym:preserve

❑ jettison(v) to throw overboard

The killer jettisonedthe murder weapon into the lake as he sailed to his hideout in the cove.
Synonyms:heave, dump Antonym:retain

❑ abort(v) to terminate prematurely

The soldiers abortedtheir mission when they learned their cover was blown and it was no longer safe.
Synonyms:scratch, cancel Antonyms:execute, continue

❑ purge(v) to cleanse of something unwanted (purgareto cleanse)

It is satisfying to purgeyour email inbox of unwanted junk messages.
Synonyms:remove, expunge Antonyms:amass, collect

❑ forgo(v) to give something up (for-away+gogo)

The woman decided to leave the hospital early and forgofurther treatment on her injured hip.
Synonyms:abandon, forsake Antonyms:maintain, participate

❑ deplete(v) to decrease the supply of (deplareto empty)

The run on gasoline depletedthe gas station of its fuel reserves, and it was forced to shut down.
Synonyms:exhaust, diminish Antonyms:replenish, restock

❑ dearth(n) lack; scarcity (deargreatly valued)

There has been a dearthof good will between the teams ever since the bench-clearing brawl.
Synonyms:paucity, scarcity, want, deficiency Antonyms:abundance, plenitude, bounty

❑ rescind(v) to take back; to cancel (re-back+scinderecut)

Synonyms:annul, void

❑ efface(v) to erase by rubbing (e-out+faceappearance)

Synonyms:omit, cancel

❑ abdicate(v) to give up power (ab-away+dicareproclaim)

Synonyms:relinquish, renounce

❑ renounce(v) to give up in a formal announcement

Synonyms:abdicate, resign

❑ nullify(v) to make invalid (nullusnone)

Synonyms:cancel, void

❑ relinquish(v) to abandon or give up (re-back+linquereto leave)

Synonyms:abdicate, vacate

❑ cathartic(adj) having a purging effect; inducing the release of emotional tension

Forgiving his father turned out to be a very catharticexperience for Kenneth.
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