SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Vocabulary Lesson 21: Mr. Nice Guy

Today’s roots: amicus friend anthro humankind
munus gift, money, sharing phila brotherly love

❑ altruism(n) selflessness (alterother)

Tom’saltruismpushes him to spend thirty hours per week working with the needy.
Synonyms:humaneness, benevolence Antonyms:egoism, malevolence

❑ amiable(adj) friendly; agreeable (amicusfriend)

Mr. Richards is such an amiableguy, always smiling and laughing as he interacts with his customers.
Synonyms:affable, amicable Antonyms:surly, disdainful

❑ philanthropist(n) one who does good; lover of humankind (phila-love+anthrohumankind)

It is amazing that a penny-pincher like Paul is a philanthropistwho has donated millions to charity.
Synonyms:altruist, humanitarian Antonyms:misanthrope, antagonist

❑ congenial(adj) friendly; pleasant (con-with+genialispleasant)

After months of imagining her in-laws as monsters, Julia was surprised at how congenialthey actually were.
Synonyms:amicable, affable Antonyms:hostile, surly

❑ munificent(adj) generous (munussharing)

Donating that outfit to charity is quite a munificentgesture, considering that it is your favorite.
Synonyms:beneficent, magnanimous Antonyms:greedy, egoistic

❑ decorum(n) propriety; good manners (decorusproper)

While eating at the country club, you must behave with the utmost decorumand mind your manners.
Synonym:etiquette Antonym:impropriety

❑ amity(n) friendship (amicusfriend)

Synonyms:benevolence, amicableness

❑ decorous(adj) exhibiting good taste in behavior or appearance (decorusproper)

Synonyms:civilized, dignified

❑ affable(adj) friendly; kind (affabiliseasy to converse with)

Synonyms:amiable, amicable

❑ gregarious(adj) sociable (gregflock)


❑ amicable(adj) polite and friendly (amicusfriend)

Synonyms:amiable, affable

❑ magnanimous(adj) generous; big-hearted (magna-great+animusspirit)

Synonyms:altruistic, munificent

❑ geniality(n) cheerfulness (genialispleasant)

Synonyms:affability, amiability
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