SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Vocabulary Lesson 23: Like a Pit Bull

Today’s roots: tract pull tenax holding fast
ob- against per- very

❑ dogged(adj) determined; unwilling to give up

Outmanned and overmatched, the doggedfighters nevertheless refused to surrender the Alamo.
Synonyms:tenacious, inexorable Antonyms:yielding, irresolute

❑ inexorable(adj) relentless (in-not+exorabilisable to be swayed)

Inexorablein his wooing, Jason vowed to send Kathy roses every day until she accepted his prom invitation.
Synonyms:obstinate, dogged Antonyms:yielding, irresolute

❑ obstinate(adj) stubborn (obstinatusto stand stubbornly)

No matter what she tried, she could not make her obstinatehusband change his mind.
Synonyms:adamant, relentless, obdurate Antonyms:acquiescent, obsequious

❑ intransigent(adj) uncompromising (in-not+transigentecompromising)

Pat’sintransigentnature showed itself when he adamantly refused to shift his appointment from 5:00 to 5:05.
Synonyms:obstinate, intractable Antonyms:concordant, accommodating, complaisant

❑ contentious(adj) quarrelsome (contendereto strive after +-iousfull of)

Julia sighed as her excessively contentioushusband started another unnecessary argument with their waiter.
Synonyms:pugnacious, belligerent Antonyms:passive, conciliatory

❑ pertinacity(n) stubbornness (per-very+tenaxholding fast)

Kyle showed incredible pertinacityafter breaking his leg, making it back in time for the championship game.
Synonyms:doggedness, steadfastness

❑ steadfast(adj) unchanging; unswerving (stedestand+foestfirmly fixed)

Despite many hardships, the team was steadfastin its pursuit of the summit.
Synonyms:obdurate, inexorable Antonyms:fickle, vacillatory

❑ recalcitrant(adj) stubbornly rebellious

Synonyms:defiant, stubborn, wayward

❑ tenacious(adj) holding firmly; persistent (tenaxholding fast)

Synonyms:persistent, steadfast, resolute

❑ disputatious(adj) inclined to arguing (disputareto argue)

Synonyms:contentious, litigious, polemical

❑ obdurate(adj) intractable; not easily persuaded (obdurareto harden)

Synonyms:inexorable, dogged

❑ intractable(adj) hard to manage; stubborn (in-not+tractpull)

Synonyms:obstinate, headstrong

❑ adamant(adj) refusing to yield (adamasunbreakable)

Synonyms:inexorable, obdurate

❑ litigious(adj) prone to bringing lawsuits (lis-lawsuit+agereto drive)

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