SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Vocabulary Lesson 24: You’re Good at That!

Today’s roots: apt fit summus highest
para- beyond dexter skillful

❑ adroit(adj) dexterous; skillful

Anadroitcon man, Clarence knew how to fool even the most skeptical eye.
Synonyms:deft, proficient Antonyms:clumsy, inept

❑ unerring(adj) committing no mistakes; perfect (un-not+errto make a mistake)

Herunerringsense of direction always puts her in the right place even if she has never been there before.
Synonym:infallible Antonym:inferior

❑ adept(adj) highly skilled

Roberto, an adeptmathematician, completed the outrageously difficult calculus final in just 25 minutes.
Synonyms:dexterous, adroit Antonyms:incompetent, clumsy

❑ aptitude(n) a natural ability; intelligence (aptfit)

Kenneth showed a great aptitudefor computers as a child, designing complex programs at the age of ten.
Synonyms:competence, expertise Antonyms:ineptitude, incompetence

❑ paragon(n) a model of excellence; perfection (para-beyond)

The head of several charities, Susan is the paragonof philanthropy.
Synonyms:prototype; epitome

❑ deft(adj) adroit, skillful

The graceful ballerina kept from tripping on stage by deftlyavoiding the poorly placed electrical wires.
Synonyms:proficient, adroit Antonyms:clumsy, inept, awkward

❑ preeminent(adj) outstanding

Apreeminentpsychologist, Dr. Carter is often asked to lend his expertise on difficult cases.
Synonyms:unsurpassed, paramount Antonym:inferior

❑ expertise(n) knowledge or skill in a particular area

Synonyms:prowess, savvy, bailiwick

❑ discerning(adj) showing good judgment or keen insight (dis-off+cerneredistinguish)

Synonyms:astute, judicious, sage

❑ agility(n) nimbleness (agilisto move)

Synonyms:spryness, litheness

❑ consummate(adj) perfect in every respect (con-with+summushighest)


❑ dexterous(adj) skillful with the hands (dexterskillful+-ousfull of)

Synonyms:adroit, adept

❑ impeccable(adj) flawless (im-not+peccareto sin)

Synonyms:immaculate, infallible, transcendent

❑ precocious(adj) unusually advanced or mature in development (especially in mental attitude)

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