SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Vocabulary Lesson 25: Bad and Worse

Today’s roots: mal bad, evil vol wish
mis bad, wretched, hatred anthro humankind

❑ nefarious(adj) wicked; sinful (ne-not+faslawful)

Cinderella’snefariousstepsisters took joy in making her do their daily chores.
Synonyms:infamous, odious

❑ repugnant(adj) offensive; repulsive (re-back+pugnareto fight)

Christopher’s mother found his superstition of not bathing after games repugnant.
Synonyms:abhorrent, vile, abominable Antonyms:alluring, admirable

❑ infamous(adj) famous for bad deeds; notorious (in-not+famosuscelebrated)

Theinfamous“El Héctor” was remembered for the way he tortured the poor villagers of Santa Potula.
Synonyms:contemptible, ignominious Antonym:noble

❑ odious(adj) worthy of dislike; arousing feelings of dislike (odiosushateful)

Jimmy was no longer afraid to go to school once the odiousbully was suspended.
Synonyms:abhorrent, loathsome, repugnant Antonyms:delightful, laudable

❑ malevolent(adj) wishing harm to others; evil (mal-evil+volwish)

Themalevolentdictator smiled as he ordered his soldiers to burn down the church.
Synonym:sinister Antonym:benevolent

❑ malefactor(n) an evildoer (mal-evil+facereto perform)

Superman has found and stopped many a malefactorbefore the crime could actually be committed.
Synonyms:scamp, delinquent Antonym:benefactor

❑ abominable(adj) loathsome; unpleasant

Hisabominablebehavior at the game included excessive drinking, loud swearing, and the removal of his clothes.
Synonyms:contemptible, vile Antonyms:delightful, laudable

❑ avarice(n) extreme greed

Synonyms:miserliness, penuriousness

❑ bigotry(n) intolerance toward those who are different

❑ hypocrite(n) one who says one thing but does another (hypokritesGr pretender)

❑ miserly(adj) lacking generosity (mis-wretched)

Synonyms:avaricious, penurious

❑ inimical(adj) unfriendly (in-not+amicusfriend)

Synonyms:antagonistic, hostile

❑ curmudgeon(n) a cranky person

❑ misanthrope(n) one who hates humankind (mis-hatred+anthrohumankind)

❑ perfidy(n) deliberate breach of trust; treachery

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