SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Vocabulary Lesson 26: Ripped Off

Today’s roots: sub-, subter- under, secretly fugere to flee
larecin theft machina device

❑ charlatan(n) a fraud; a quack (chiarlatinoa quack)

June’s family warned her that Chaz was a charlatanonly pretending to be a successful lawyer.
Synonyms:imposter, con man, swindler

❑ ruse(n) a crafty scheme

The clever criminal came up with a flawless ruseto steal the money from the bank.
Synonyms:strategem, machination

❑ subterfuge(n) a scheme; an attempt to deceive (subtersecretly+fugereto flee)

It takes real subterfugeto sneak anything past Principal Guber; it’s like he is able to see your every move.
Synonyms:surreptitiousness, strategem, ploy Antonyms:forthrightness, candor

❑ dupe(n) one who is easily deceived

The con artist has a knack for picking the perfect dupe,someone who will easily fall for his scam.
Synonyms:chump, pushover

❑ pilfer(v) to steal

The looters pilferedcountless items from the electronics store during the riot.
Synonyms:embezzle, filch

❑ swindle(v) to cheat

The street hustler swindledthe unsuspecting man, tricking him into buying a fake designer watch.
Synonyms:bamboozle, hoodwink

❑ gullible(adj) easily deceived

Thegullibleteenager was easily tricked by her friends into believing that one of them was a secret agent.
Synonym:naive Antonym:astute

❑ embezzle(v) to steal money from one’s employer

Synonyms:loot, pilfer

❑ machination(n) a crafty scheme (machinadevice)

Synonyms:strategem, ruse

❑ bilk(v) to cheat, to swindle

Synonyms:hoodwink, defraud, cheat, fleece

❑ larceny(n) theft (larecinFr theft)


❑ filch(v) to steal

Synonyms:pilfer, embezzle

❑ fleece(v) to defraud of money, to swindle

Synonyms:swindle, bilk, hoodwink, defraud
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