SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Vocabulary Lesson 27: Good Guys and Bad Guys

Today’s roots: archos leader, government theos god
a-, an- without pacis peace

❑ hedonist(n) a pleasure seeker (hedonepleasure)

The ’60s are often considered the age of the hedonist,a time when everyone felt they had the right to have fun.
Synonyms:epicurean, epicure, sybarite, bon vivant

❑ ascetic(n) one who lives a holy life of self-denial (asketesmonk)

Tim has spent years at a time as an ascetic,each time giving away all he owns and living on rice and prayer.

❑ anarchist(n) one who opposes all political authority (an-without+archosleader)

Before the coup d’état, the dictator claimed to be an anarchist;that all changed once he was given power.
Synonyms:insurgent, rebel

❑ pacifist(n) an individual who is opposed to violence (pacispeace+facereto make)

Forever a pacifist,Julie organized a rally protesting the war in the Middle East.
Synonym:peace-seeker Antonyms:warmonger, combatant

❑ atheist(n) one who does not believe that God exists (a-without+theosgod)

Although she is an atheistand does not worship the Buddha, Cathy meditates with her Buddhist friends.

❑ nihilist(n) one who rejects moral distinctions and knowable “truths”

Because she is a nihilist,Carrie likes to contend that the world may be a figment of her imagination.

❑ despot(n) a tyrant; one who rules oppressively (despotesGk absolute ruler)

Thedespotrules with reckless abandon, doing only what he wants, with no concern for the citizens.
Synonyms:tyrant, oppressor

❑ narcissist(n) one in love with his/her own image (from Narcissus, who fell in love with himself)

❑ zealot(n) one who engages passionately in a cause

Synonyms:enthusiast, fanatic, devotee

❑ sybarite(n) an individual who seeks luxury


❑ pessimist(n) an individual who focuses on the negative side of a situation (pessimusworst)

Synonyms:alarmist, Cassandra, defeatist

❑ optimist(n) one who focuses on the positive side of a situation (optimusbest)

Synonyms:idealist, Pollyanna, Pangloss, Candide

❑ fanatic(n) one who shows extreme enthusiasm for a cause (fanaticusenthusiastic)

Synonyms:extremist, radical, zealot, enthusiast
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