SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Vocabulary Unit 4 Exercise Set I

Time—8 minutes
For each question, select the best answer among the choices given. Note any vocabulary words to
review on the Hit List below.

  1. The ------ soldiers were commended for their
    refusal to surrender even when survival seemed
    to be an impossibility.
    (A) bombastic
    (B) dogged
    (C) disputatious
    (D) infamous
    (E) dexterous

  2. Five months after the surgical procedure, the
    patient requested a stronger pain medication to
    help ------ the daily discomfort she felt in her
    (A) exonerate
    (B) alleviate
    (C) invigorate
    (D) perambulate
    (E) scrutinize

  3. The ------ golden statues added to the front of the
    house were excessively ------ even for the preten-
    tious family that lived there.
    (A) ornate.. ostentatious
    (B) opulent.. nefarious
    (C) insipid.. pompous
    (D) splenetic.. grandiose
    (E) gaudy.. mercurial

  4. In an effort to ------ his bitter opponents, the
    President passed a law they had been pushing
    unsuccessfully for years.
    (A) consummate
    (B) mollify
    (C) vindicate
    (D) purge
    (E) invoke

  5. Sally’s ------ made her a ------ for many a con
    (A) loftiness.. chump
    (B) infallibility.. curmudgeon
    (C) pacifism.. charlatan
    (D) placidity.. ruse
    (E) gullibility.. dupe
    6. Despite having ruled the nation for thirty years
    as ------ and ------ dictator, the prime minister
    was remembered for his munificence during the
    food shortage of 1987.
    (A) an abominable.. beneficent
    (B) a repugnant.. magnanimous
    (C) an obstinate.. lithe
    (D) a steadfast.. benevolent
    (E) an odious.. malevolent
    7. The deft way in which the lawyer was able to
    deflect the negative testimony to his favor showed
    why he is the ------ of prosecution.
    (A) paragon
    (B) conviction
    (C) braggart
    (D) machination
    (E) misanthrope
    8. The resort island is a fantasy vacation spot for a
    ------; one has rarely seen so much luxury and
    splendor in one place.
    (A) sybarite
    (B) zealot
    (C) nihilist
    (D) narcissist
    (E) ascetic
    9. When a basketball player commits ------ foul in
    a flagrant attempt to hurt a player, the referee
    calls a “technical foul” and the team that is
    fouled receives two foul shots and retains pos-
    session of the ball.
    (A) a preeminent
    (B) a peripheral
    (C) a masochistic
    (D) an inexorable
    (E) an egregious

  6. The young scamp has always shown ------ for lar-
    ceny, having successfully ------ his first purse at
    the young age of six.
    (A) an equanimity.. filched
    (B) a bigotry.. bilked
    (C) an aptitude.. pilfered
    (D) a predilection.. exculpated
    (E) an agility.. razed

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