SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Vocabulary Unit 5

Vocabulary Lesson 29: Make Me!

Today’s roots: ligare to bind vocare to call
ducere to lead pro- forth

❑ cajole(v) to persuade by using flattery

The clever eight-year-old girl successfully cajoledher parents into taking her to Disney World.
Synonyms:coax, wheedle, deceive

❑ exhort(v) to urge strongly (ex-thoroughly+hortarito urge)

The doctor exhortedhis patient to stop smoking by explaining how dangerous a habit it really was.
Synonyms:provoke, instigate, rouse Antonyms:inhibit, discourage

❑ coerce(v) to persuade through the use of force

The bully coercedthe smaller boy into handing over his lunch money with threats of wedgies and deadarms.
Synonyms:compel, intimidate

❑ induce(v) to cause (in-in+ducereto lead)

After thirty-six hours of labor, the doctors decided to inducethe baby’s birth with medication.
Synonyms:sway, incite, impel Antonyms:curb, stall

❑ coax(v) to persuade by using flattery

The charming man used well-placed compliments to coaxthe pretty waitress into meeting him for a drink.
Synonyms:cajole, wheedle

❑ provoke(v) to stir up; to excite (pro-forth+vocareto call)

Ericprovokedhis older brother into fighting by whacking him on the head with his action figure.
Synonyms:irritate, rile, incite Antonyms:placate, assuage

❑ obligatory(adj) required (ob-to+ligareto bind)

Theobligatoryjumps in the skating competition must be performed or the competitor loses points.
Synonyms:mandatory, compulsory Antonyms:optional, elective

❑ wheedle(v) to influence by flattery

Synonyms:coax, cajole

❑ goad(v) to urge into action

Synonyms:spur, incite, catalyze

❑ begrudge(v) to give in to something reluctantly

Synonyms:concede, acquiesce

❑ spur(v) to goad into action

Synonyms:provoke, goad, incite

❑ prerequisite(n) a requirement (don’t confuse with perquisite:a perk)


❑ resigned(adj) accepting of one’s fate

Synonyms:begrudging, acquiescent
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