SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Vocabulary Lesson 33: Saw That Coming

Today’s roots: pro-, pre-, fore- before scientia knowledge
monere to warn por- forward

❑ prophecy(n) a prediction of the future (pro-before+phanaito speak)

Theprophecytold of a boy who would soon be born to save the human race from extinction.
Synonyms:divination, prognostication

❑ harbinger(n) a precursor

Many consider the robin to be a harbingerof spring.
Synonyms:omen, forerunner

❑ augur(v) to predict the future (an augurin ancient Rome was an official who foretold events)

The “psychic network” claims to augurwhat is to come for its callers, but most believe it to be a hoax.
Synonyms:prophesy, divine

❑ premonition(n) a forewarning (pre-before+monereto warn)

The traveler had a premonitionof the upcoming disaster and refused to board the plane.
Synonyms:presentiment, hunch

❑ portend(v) to give advance warning (por-forward+tendereto extend)

The weather service looks for atmospheric signs that portendviolent storms.
Synonyms:foretell, foreshadow

❑ prescient(adj) having knowledge of future events (pre-before+scientiaknowledge)

The seemingly prescientgambler made a fortune at the racetrack, always knowing which horse would win.

❑ omen(n) a sign of something to come

The nervous bride took the death of the minister who was to marry them as an omenthat her marriage was doomed.
Synonyms:portent, prognostication

❑ foresight(n) the ability to see things coming (fore-before)

Synonyms:anticipation, forethought

❑ clairvoyant(n) one with great foresight (clair-clear+voyantseeing)

Synonyms:visionary, psychic

❑ portent(n) an omen of a future event (por-forward+tendereto extend)


❑ preempt(v) to block by acting first (pre-before)


❑ premeditate(v) to plan ahead of time (pre-before+meditarito consider)


❑ prophetic(adj) able to tell the future (pro-before+phanaito speak)


❑ bode(v) to be an omen for something

A red sky at dawn bodesill for sailors.
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