SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Vocabulary Lesson 34: Old and Worn Out

Today’s roots: arch ancient per- through
ante- before ob- away, against

❑ archaic(adj) ancient (archancient)

The boat’s archaicnavigation system confused the young sailor, who knew how to read only the newer consoles.
Synonyms:primitive, antiquated Antonyms:modern, novel

❑ relic(n) an object from an ancient time (re-back+linquereto leave)

Therelicfound at the ancient burial site once served as a water pitcher for an Aztec family.
Synonyms:artifact, remnant

❑ decrepit(adj) worn out from old age or use (de-down+crepareto break, to crack)

Thedecrepitswing set in the schoolyard had been used by four generations of children.
Synonyms:feeble, battered, threadbare

❑ antiquated(adj) obsolete; outdated (antiquusancient)

The computer technology in rural Italy is quite antiquated;even Internet access is rare.
Synonyms:archaic, primitive Antonyms:modern, novel

❑ antediluvian(adj) very old (ante-before+diluvima flood, in reference to the Biblical flood)

The piece of pottery they found was an antediluvianbowl that was made over 4,000 years ago.
Synonyms:primeval, archaic Antonyms:modern, novel

❑ defunct(adj) no longer in existence (defunctusdead, off-duty)

Telegrams as a means of communication are defunct;the existence of email and telephones made them obsolete.
Synonyms:dead, extinct Antonym:extant

❑ perpetuate(v) to keep from dying out (per-through+petereto seek, go to)

The myth that cigarettes don’t harm you has been perpetuatedby the cigarette companies.
Synonyms:immortalize, commemorate

❑ outmoded(v) out of fashion; obsolete

Synonyms:anachronistic, obsolete

❑ artifact(n) an object of historical interest (arte-skill+factumthing made)

Synonyms:relic, remnant

❑ obsolete(adj) outmoded (ob-away+solereto be used)

Synonyms:anachronistic, antiquated

❑ dilapidated(adj) worn out

Synonyms:decrepit, feeble

❑ threadbare(adj) shabby; worn down such that the threads show

Synonyms:dilapidated, decrepit

❑ archive(n) a collection of historically interesting material (archancient)

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