SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Vocabulary Lesson 35: Feelings

Today’s roots: pathos emotion anti- against
con- with syn-, sym- together

❑ apathy(n) lack of feeling; lack of interest (a-without+pathosemotion)

Mark was apatheticabout Stephanie’s desire to keep her laptop clean; he put his fingerprints all over the screen.
Synonyms:indifference, torpor Antonym:intensity

❑ apprehensive(adj) anxious about what is to come

It is normal to feel apprehensiveon the morning of your driver’s test; it is a nerve-wracking experience.
Synonyms:uneasy, concerned Antonyms:fearless, intrepid, dauntless

❑ contrite(adj) repentant (con-with+terereto wear down)

Thecontritemurder suspect scored points with the judge, who appreciated her remorseful attitude.
Synonym:remorseful Antonyms:unrepentant, inveterate

❑ lament(v) to mourn, to show sorrow (lamentuma wailing)

The fans lamentedthe passing of John Lennon; they cried as if they had lost a brother.
Synonyms:bemoan, grieve Antonym:celebrate

❑ console(v) to comfort (con-with+solarito comfort)

There were many family members on hand to consolethe grieving widow at her husband’s funeral.
Synonyms:soothe, calm Antonyms:enrage, provoke

❑ impassive(adj) lacking emotion (im-not+passivuscapable of feeling)

Joy’simpassivenessabout her grades upset her parents; they wanted her to care more about her work.
Synonyms:indifferent, apathetic Antonyms:intense, demonstrative

❑ ignominy(n) humiliation; shame

Football is so important in our town that dropping a pass in the end zone is more ignominious than going to prison.
Synonyms:disgrace, dishonor Antonyms:gratification, dignity

❑ pathos(n) pity; feeling of sorrow (pathosemotion)

Synonyms:anguish, woe

❑ empathy(n) the ability to identify with another’s feelings (em-in+pathosfeeling)

❑ penitent(adj) feeling remorse for one’s actions

Synonyms:repentant, contrite

❑ ambivalent(adj) having mixed feelings toward something (ambi- both)

Synonyms:conflicted, irresolute

❑ poignant(adj) causing a sharp emotional response (poindreto prick)

Synonyms:stirring, moving

❑ remorse(n) regret for past deeds (re-again+mordereto bite)

Synonyms:anguish, contrition

❑ antipathy(n) strong feelings against something (anti-against+pathosfeeling)

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