SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Vocabulary Unit 5 Exercise Set I

Time—8 minutes
For each question, select the best answer among the choices given. Note any vocabulary words to
review on the Hit List below.

  1. Elizabeth’s assistant was ------ with his words and
    spoke only when it was absolutely necessary.
    (A) improvident
    (B) parsimonious
    (C) antiquated
    (D) clairvoyant
    (E) sympathetic

  2. The salary Julia received for her job was unsat-
    isfactory, but the ------ were phenomenal: a den-
    tal plan, five weeks of vacation, and a company
    (A) perquisites
    (B) harbingers
    (C) mercenaries
    (D) impediments
    (E) resolutions

  3. In spite of his aggressive attempts to ------ us into
    doing something against the law, we were able
    to ------ from partaking in the illicit act.
    (A) goad.. refrain
    (B) cajole.. stagnate
    (C) coax.. rebound
    (D) impede.. abstain
    (E) dissuade.. recuperate

  4. Because the team had been eliminated from the
    playoffs, they played with ------ in their final five
    games, losing by an average of forty points per
    (A) fortitude
    (B) apathy
    (C) dread
    (D) vigor
    (E) resolution

  5. The wise old man who lived at the top of the
    mountain is visited often by villagers looking
    for him to use his ------ powers to ------ their
    (A) olfactory.. augur
    (B) tactile.. portend
    (C) prescient.. divine
    (D) prophetic.. console
    (E) clairvoyant.. perjure

  6. A departure from the bland food and mundane
    atmosphere that characterized our recent din-
    ing experiences, Chez Henri provided ------ cui-
    sine and ------ ambience.
    (A) pungent.. a hedonistic
    (B) savory.. a transcendent
    (C) piquant.. an artificial
    (D) obsolete.. a supreme
    (E) palatable.. an imperious

  7. Management’s decision to raise the salaries of
    the workers was more pragmatic than ------; the
    executives didn’t want so much to be generous
    as to keep the assembly lines moving.
    (A) magnanimous
    (B) mellifluous
    (C) rigid
    (D) masochistic
    (E) frugal

  8. After giving birth to her first child, the woman
    was finally able to ------ with her mother about
    the pain and discomfort that come with child-
    (A) empathize
    (B) collaborate
    (C) perpetuate
    (D) premeditate
    (E) associate

  9. The defendant’s contrite behavior was not an
    act; he truly felt great ------ for the crime of
    which he was accused.
    (A) apprehension
    (B) indigence
    (C) foresight
    (D) bliss
    (E) remorse

  10. Even though she was unable to walk without
    a limp, she did not allow this ------ to ------ her
    ability to run short sprints for the track team.
    (A) deterrent.. spur
    (B) barrier.. impel
    (C) abstinence.. thwart
    (D) impediment.. hamper
    (E) pathos.. hinder

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