SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Vocabulary Lesson 37: True or False?

Today’s roots: verax true candere to shine
genuinus natural apo- away

❑ candor(n) honesty; straightforwardness (candereto shine)

I appreciated my doctor’s candor;I prefer a straightforward approach when discussing my health.
Synonyms:forthrightness, frankness Antonyms:disingenuousness, fraudulence, equivocation

❑ affect(v) to put on airs; to behave unnaturally

Hoping to fit in while in London, Jules affecteda British accent.
Synonyms:feign, impersonate

❑ veracity(n) truthfulness (veraxtrue)

Since we can’t test the veracityof his statements, we will never know for sure if he was telling the truth.
Synonyms:sincerity, candor Antonyms:fallacy, falsehood

❑ debunk(v) to expose something as fraudulent (bunkumnonsense)

The DA knew that the cop was crooked and made it his mission to debunkthe officer’s claims.
Synonyms:uncover, reveal Antonyms:conceal, camouflage

❑ apocryphal(adj) of doubtful authenticity (apo-away+krypteinhide)

Before they found out it was a fake, the apocryphalVan Gogh painting sold for over a million dollars.
Synonyms:counterfeit, forged Antonym:authentic

❑ forthright(adj) honest; straightforward

The student’s forthrightadmission of guilt was appreciated by the principal, who reduced his suspension.
Synonyms:candid, frank Antonyms:deceitful, treacherous

❑ disingenuous(adj) insincere; crafty (dis-away from +genuinusnatural)

Daphne’s expression of remorse was clearly disingenuous,because she did not feel any regret for her actions.
Synonyms:deceitful, treacherous Antonyms:forthright, candid

❑ candid(adj) straightforward; honest (candereto shine)

Synonyms:frank, forthright

❑ dubious(adj) doubtful (dubiumdoubt)

Synonyms:suspect, questionable

❑ prevaricate(v) to lie (pre-before+varicareto straddle)

Synonyms:equivocate, fabricate

❑ verisimilitude(n) the quality of appearing to be true (verax-true+similislike)

❑ outspoken(adj) candid and unsparing in speech

Synonyms:forthright, frank

❑ fraudulent(adj) deceitful (frausdeceit)

Synonyms:duplicitous; crooked

❑ facade(n) outward appearance; a false front (facciaface)

Synonyms:superficiality, frontispiece
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