SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Vocabulary Lesson 38: Arts and Entertainment

Today’s roots: curare to take care of levis light in weight
jocus joke para- beside, beyond

❑ mirth(n) merriment; laughter

The little boy could not contain his mirthwhen playing with the bubbles.
Synonyms:jollity, levity, gaiety Antonyms:melancholy, dejection, despondency

❑ aesthetic(adj) relating to beauty or a theory of beauty (aisthetikosGr perception)

The beautiful colors that emerged from the crystal when struck by the sunlight were aestheticallypleasing.

❑ satire(n) a mocking literary or dramatic work (satiraa poetic medley)

Animal Farmby George Orwell is a satirethat mocks socialism.
Synonyms:burlesque, parody, lampoon, travesty, spoof

❑ curator(n) the individual in charge of a museum (curareto take care of)

Thecuratorin charge of the Louvre in Paris controls the Mona Lisa, perhaps the world’s most famous painting.

❑ witticism(n) a clever or funny remark

Will Rogers was famous for his witticismsabout American life.
Synonyms:epigram, bon mot, quip, badinage

❑ jocular(adj) done in a joking way (jocusjoke)

Jeff’sjoculartone relaxed the visitors trapped in the elevator; he even made a few people laugh.
Synonyms:facetious, waggish, salty Antonyms:despondent, somber, morose, plaintive, lugubrious

❑ malapropism(n) the outrageous misuse of a word

Saying “for all intensive purposes” instead of “for all intents and purposes” is a classic example of a malapropism.
Synonyms:misusage, solecism, catachresis

❑ levity(n) a lack of seriousness (levislight in weight)

Synonyms:frivolity, flippancy

❑ bard(n) a skilled poet

Synonyms:sonneteer, versifier

❑ parody(n) a spoof (para-beside+odesong)

Synonyms:burlesque, lampoon, travesty, satire

❑ epic(n) a lengthy poem that celebrates the life of a hero (Gr eposword, story)

❑ aesthete(n) a person interested in the pursuit of beauty (Gr aisthetikossensitive)

❑ dilettante(n) one who dabbles in an art (dilettareto delight)


❑ lampoon(v) to make fun of

Synonyms:satirize, mock, parody
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