SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Vocabulary Lesson 39: You’re in Trouble

Today’s roots: culpa blame censura judgment
dictare to declare probus honest, worthy

❑ chastise(v) to punish or criticize (castuspure)

The congressman was chastisedin the media for his ties to big business.
Synonyms:condemn, rebuke Antonyms:applaud, hail

❑ reprove(v) to scold (re-not+probusworthy)

The teacher reprovedher students strongly for talking during her lecture.
Synonyms:rebuke, berate, reprimand Antonyms:hail, compliment, acclaim

❑ reprehensible(adj) worthy of blame or censure

The woman could not believe that her son would do something so reprehensibleas torturing small animals.
Synonyms:culpable, disgraceful, censurable Antonym:laudable

❑ culpable(adj) deserving blame (culpablame)

Although the DNA evidence clearly proved he was culpable,the defendant continued to claim innocence.
Synonyms:guilty, blameworthy Antonyms:innocent, blameless, sinless

❑ indict(v) to accuse of an offense (dictareto declare)

The mob boss was indictedon ten counts of money laundering.
Synonyms:accuse, impeach Antonyms:acquit, exonerate

❑ reproach(v) to blame; to express disapproval

After hitting the softball through the window, Ella was reproachedby her mother for being so careless.
Synonyms:censure, condemn, rebuke Antonyms:compliment, commend

❑ rebuke(v) to scold (re-back+buketo strike)

Because Belinda was rebukedthe last time she left her toys out, she cleaned up thoroughly to avoid another scolding.
Synonyms:reprove, reproach, reprehend, reprimand, chide

❑ castigate(v) to punish severely

Synonyms:reprimand, berate, chastise

❑ impeach(v) to accuse of wrongdoing (im-in+pedicashackle)

Synonyms:indict, charge

❑ irreproachable(adj) beyond blame

Synonyms:innocent, impeccable

❑ berate(v) to punish severely (be-thoroughly+rateto scold)

Synonyms:reprimand, castigate, chastise

❑ culprit(n) one guilty of a crime (culpablame)

Synonyms:offender, criminal

❑ acquit(v) to clear of a charge (a-to+quitefree)

Synonyms:vindicate, exonerate

❑ reprimand(v) to scold (reprimareto reprove)

Synonyms:reprove, castigate, censure
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