SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Vocabulary Lesson 41: The Faithful and the Unfaithful

Today’s roots: orthos straight, strict sub- under
surgere to rise klan to break

❑ conform(v) to do what one is expected to do (com-together+formareto form)

His desire to avoid punishment at all costs causes him to conformto his parents’ many rules.
Synonyms:comply, obey Antonyms:defy, rebel

❑ orthodoxy(n) strict adherence to tradition (orthos-straight, strict +doxaopinion)

The Amish are well known for their orthodoxy;tradition is very important to their culture.
Synonyms:conventionality, traditionalism Antonyms:heresy, apostasy

❑ iconoclast(n) one who challenges tradition (eikonGr image +klanto break)

Always an iconoclast,Michael did everything in his power to do the opposite of what was expected.
Synonyms:heretic, apostate, rebel, nonconformist, infidel Antonyms:conformist, traditionalist

❑ heresy(n) opinion or action that violates traditional belief

In many villages in colonial New England, to question religious doctrine was considered heresy.
Synonyms:iconoclasm, apostasy Antonyms:sycophancy, toadyism, compliance, submission, obsequy

❑ insurgent(adj) rebellious (in-against+surgereto rise)

The villagers became more insurgenteach day that the army remained in their midst.
Synonyms:insubordinate, mutinous Antonym:conformist, yes-man, toady, sycophant

❑ convention(n) a practice that comports with the norms of a society

Ms. Frazier’s teaching style went against conventionand thus angered the conservative school board.
Synonyms:protocol, practice Antonym:irregularity

❑ insubordination(n) refusal to submit to authority (in-against+sub-under+ordinarearrange)

By punishing all insubordination,the commander showed his troops that no disobedience would be tolerated.
Synonyms:agitation, subversion, rebellion Antonym:pacification

❑ renegade(n) an outlaw (negareto deny)

Synonyms:defector, traitor

❑ insurrection(n) an uprising (in-against+surgereto rise)

Synonyms:coup, mutiny, rebellion

❑ dissident(n) one who strongly opposes accepted opinion (dis-apart+sedereto sit)


❑ mutiny(n) a rebellion

Synonyms:revolt, riot, uprising

❑ servile(adj) overly submissive (servusslave)


❑ heretic(n) one who dissents

Synonyms:rebel, iconoclast

❑ apostasy(n) abandonment of a belief (apo-away from +stanaito stand)

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