SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Vocabulary Lesson 42: How Rude!

Today’s roots: pudere to cause shame trux fierce
solere accustomed haut high

❑ insolent(adj) rudely disrespectful (in-not+solereaccustomed)

The despot punished the rebel’s insolencewith a lengthy prison sentence.
Synonyms:impudent, impertinent Antonyms:courteous, deferential, decorous

❑ affront(n) an insult (afronterFr to confront)

When he found out that his dad had let him win, Frank took it as an affrontto his tennis skills.
Synonyms:slur, barb, aspersion, obloquy Antonyms:tribute, exaltation, veneration

❑ haughty(adj) overly proud (hauthigh)

Thehaughtyyoung goalie felt that he had no equal in the league.
Synonyms:conceited, supercilious, cavalier, arrogant Antonyms:modest, diffident

❑ crass(adj) unrefined

Luke’scrassbehavior at the dinner table horrified the princess, who had never seen such poor manners.
Synonyms:boorish, oafish, philistine Antonyms:decorous, civilized, refined

❑ impudent(adj) rudely bold (im-not+pudereto cause shame)

The young soldier’s impudencewould be punished; it is not wise to undermine the authority of a superior officer.
Synonyms:insolent, impertinent, audacious Antonyms:courteous, civilized

❑ boorish(adj) crude, barbaric (unrelated to boar,a wild pig, but piggishis a close synonym)

Theboorishbarbarians ripped at the meat with their bare hands and spit bones out onto the table.
Synonyms:crass, oafish, barbaric, philistine Antonyms:decorous, polite

❑ irreverence(n) disrespect (ir-not+vererito respect)

Theirreverencewith which he mocked his teachers showed he had no respect for their authority.
Synonyms:impertinence, flippancy Antonym:deference

❑ flippant(adj) disrespectfully jocular; using humor inappropriately

Synonyms:irreverent, impertinent

❑ brazen(adj) bold and insolent

The thieves pulled off a brazenmidday heist

❑ truculent(adj) cruel and aggressive (truxfierce)

Synonyms:obstreperous, bellicose

❑ effrontery(n) boldness, brashness

Synonyms:insolence, impudence

❑ impertinent(adj) inappropriately bold (im-not+pertinereto concern)

Synonyms:impudent, brazen

❑ glacial(adj) having a cold personality (like a glacier)


❑ rebuff(v) to refuse in an abrupt or rude manner

Synonyms:reject, snub
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