SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Vocabulary Lesson 44: More or Less

Today’s roots: facere to do plere to fill
copia abundance macer thin

❑ paucity(adj) lack; scarcity (paucusfew, little)

I love good food, so I’m frustrated by the paucityof good restaurants in town.
Synonyms:dearth, scantiness Antonyms:abundance, plenitude, copiousness

❑ surfeit(n) an excessive amount (sur-over+facereto do)

Thesurfeitof food on the table for Thanksgiving dinner left us all with bulging stomachs.
Synonyms:glut, plethora, overabundance Antonyms:deficiency, dearth, paucity

❑ copious(adj) abundant (copiaabundance)

Thecopiousmistakes in Robert’s final paper showed his lack of effort.
Synonyms:ample, bountiful Antonyms:scanty, sparse, deficient

❑ barren(adj) infertile

Thebarrenland was so devoid of life that it was difficult to find even a weed.
Synonyms:sterile, desolate Antonyms:fecund, fertile

❑ capacious(adj) having lots of room (capaxable to hold a lot)

Thecapaciousauditorium had enough seats for all 5,000 students with room to spare.
Synonyms:spacious, voluminous Antonyms:exiguous, scanty

❑ scanty(adj) meager; barely enough

Thescantyportions the soldiers received left them hungry and weak.
Synonyms:inadequate, meager, deficient Antonyms:sufficient, adequate

❑ replete(adj) completely filled (re-again+plereto fill)

The old storage facility was repletewith decrepit furniture that had far outlived its usefulness.
Synonyms:crammed, stuffed Antonyms:vacant, barren

❑ sparse(adj) thinly dispersed or scattered (sparsus scattered)

Synonyms: scant, scanty, paltry

❑ voluminous(adj) having great size (volumenroll of writing)

Synonyms:cavernous, capacious, plentiful

❑ desolate(adj) deserted (de-completely+solusalone)

Synonyms:uninhabited, barren

❑ diminutive(adj) tiny (de-completely+minuereto make small)

Synonyms:undersized, miniature

❑ meager(adj) inadequate (macerthin)

Synonyms:measly, paltry

❑ rarefy(v) to make less dense or less plentiful (rarusrare+facereto make)

❑ rife(adj) plentiful

Synonyms:abundant, rampant, widespread
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