SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Vocabulary Lesson 46: Good Learnin’

Today’s roots: arkhaios ancient demos people
logos study, word, speech genea descent

❑ etymology(n) the study of the origin of words (etymon-Gr true sense +logosword)

A good understanding of etymologycan help you succeed on the SAT I.

❑ archaeology(n) the study of past cultures (arkhaiosGr ancient +logiastudy)

There are many fascinating archaeologicalsites right in the center of Athens.

❑ anthropology(n) the study of human cultures (anthros-humankind+logiastudy)

Anthropologistsare fascinated by the similarities between tribal rituals and modern social conventions.

❑ ethics(n) the study of and philosophy of moral choice (ethos-character)

The more deeply one studies ethics,the less one is able to think in terms of moral absolutes.

❑ semantics(n) the study of the meanings of words and symbols (sema-sign)

It’s amazing that the noun pedestrianand the adjective pedestriancan be so different semantically.

❑ theology(n) the study of religion (theos-god+logiastudy)

While in Catholic school, we had many theologicaldiscussions about the role of God in daily life.

❑ pathology(n) the study of disease (pathossuffering+logiastudy)

The tissue sample was sent to the pathologylab to determine if there was any disease in the liver.

❑ sociology(n) the study of human social behavior and social institutions (socius-fellow+logiastudy)

I was amazed to learn in sociologyclass that mandatory schooling until age sixteen is a fairly recent practice.

❑ entomology(n) the study of insects (entomon-insect+logiastudy)

Anna spends so much time burrowing in the yard that she may know more about bugs than most entomologists.

❑ genealogy(n) the study of ancestry (geneadescent+logiastudy)

Sarah was so fascinated by genealogythat she compiled a three-volume guide to her family ancestry.

❑ demographics(n) the study of statistics relating to human populations (demos-people+grapheinto write)

Thedemographicsreveal that Democratic candidates typically perform better in urban areas than in rural areas.

❑ oncology(n) the study of tumors (onco-tumor+logiastudy)

When my doctor discovered a tumor near my kidney, he referred me to the best oncologiston the staff.

❑ paleontology(n) the study of fossils and ancient life (palailong ago +logiastudy)

I like to dig in my backyard and pretend I’m a paleontologistmaking an important fossil discovery.

❑ neurology(n) the study of the human brain and nervous system (neuronGr nerve)

I love studying the brain, but I don’t want to cut it up; I think I prefer neurologyto neurosurgery.
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