SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Vocabulary Lesson 47: All Alone

Today’s roots: claudere to close solus alone
insula island se- apart

❑ hermit(n) one who prefers to live alone (ermitaGr a person of solitude)

Thehermitlived alone in a shack in the middle of the woods, more than ten miles from the nearest road.
Synonyms:recluse, loner, eremite Antonyms:socialite, extrovert

❑ ostracize(v) to exclude from a group

Her comments to the others were so self-centered and cruel that she was ostracizedfor months.
Synonyms:exile, banish Antonyms:welcome, accept

❑ exile(n) a banishment (ex-away)

After the dictator was overthrown, he lived a life of exilefar away from his native country.
Synonyms:banishment, ostracism, deportation, expulsion Antonyms:inclusion, welcome

❑ expel(v) to force to leave (ex-away+pellereto push)

The student who slashed the bus tires was expelledand won’t be seen back here again.
Synonyms:discharge, evict Antonyms:invite, admit

❑ recluse(n) one who likes to live alone (re-away+claudereto close)

InTo Kill a Mockingbird,therecluseBoo Radley is endlessly fascinating to Scout.
Synonyms:hermit, loner

❑ isolate(v) to place something apart from everything else (insulaisland)

The patient with tuberculosis was isolatedfrom the other patients so he could not infect them.
Synonyms:detach, segregate Antonyms:include, embrace

❑ solitude(n) isolation; the quality of being alone (solusalone)

Before the two cosmonauts joined him, the lone astronaut on the space station had spent five months in solitude.
Synonyms:seclusion, solitariness, detachment Antonyms:camaraderie, companionship

❑ banish(v) to force to leave an area

Synonyms:exile, ostracize, evict

❑ outcast(n) an individual who has been excluded from a group

Synonyms:castaway, pariah

❑ seclusion(n) privacy (se-apart+claudereto close)

Synonyms:isolation, solitude

❑ pariah(n) an individual who has been excluded from a group

Synonyms:outcast, exile

❑ relegate(v) to banish, to demote in rank (re-back+legareto send)

Synonyms:ostracize, exile

❑ quarantine(n) a period of isolation for someone infected with a contagion (quarantaforty [days])

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