SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Vocabulary Lesson 48: Go Forth

Today’s roots: supare scatter satur full
vergere, vert to turn undare to flow

❑ disseminate(v) to spread information (dis-away+seminareto sow)

The members of the band disseminatedflyers that advertised their debut concert this coming weekend.
Synonyms:circulate, publicize, distribute Antonym:suppress

❑ diverge(v) to go apart (dis-away+vergereto turn)

After traveling together for nearly 100 miles, the two cars finally diverged.
Synonyms:divide, branch Antonyms:converge, merge

❑ proliferate(v) to grow rapidly; to produce offspring at a rapid pace (prolesoffspring)

The bacteria proliferatedat an alarming rate, multiplying tenfold in just 30 minutes.
Synonyms:expand, multiply Antonyms:wither, shrink

❑ amass(v) to accumulate; to gather together

Over the years, Rick has amassedquite a collection of CDs, accumulating over 1,000 of them.
Synonyms:collect, gather, hoard Antonyms:distribute, disperse

❑ distend(v) to swell; to increase in size (dis-apart+tendereto stretch)

Malnutrition can cause the abdominal cavity to distendand produce a bloated look.
Synonyms:expand, dilate Antonym:constrict

❑ propagate(v) to cause to multiply; to publicize; to travel through a medium (pro-forth)

Plants of all sizes and shapes propagateby forming seeds, which develop into new seedlings.
Synonyms:procreate, breed

❑ inundate(v) to flood (in-into+undareto flow)

After days without work, the lawyer was astonished to suddenly find himself inundatedwith paperwork.
Synonyms:engulf, overwhelm, swamp, deluge

❑ diffuse(v) to spread out, as a gas (dis-apart+fundereto pour)

Synonyms:circulate, disseminate

❑ germinate(v) to sprout; to grow (germensprout)

Synonyms:bud, burgeon, develop

❑ disperse(v) to spread apart (dis-apart+spargereto scatter)

Synonyms:diffuse, disseminate

❑ rampant(adj) growing out of control (ramperto climb)

Synonyms:rife, predominant, prevalent

❑ dissipate(v) to scatter (dis-apart+supareto scatter)

Synonyms:dispel, disperse

❑ saturate(v) to fill completely, as with a liquid or solute (saturfull)

Synonyms:soak, imbue
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