SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Vocabulary Lesson 49: Even More

Today’s roots: ad- to scribere to write
post- after augere to increase

❑ annex(v) to attach; to acquire land to expand an existing country (ad-to+nectareto attach)

When Hitler annexedPoland, the dictator’s imperialist designs should have been clear.
Synonyms:acquire, appropriate, append Antonyms:disengage, dissociate

❑ addendum(n) something added; a supplement to a book (ad-onto)

After he completed the story, the author wrote an addendumexplaining why he finished it the way he did.
Synonyms:appendix, supplement

❑ postscript(n) a message added after the completion of a letter (P.S.) (post-after+scriberto write)

After my wife signed the postcard, she remembered something else she wanted to say and wrote a postscript.

❑ epilogue(n) an extra chapter added onto the end of a novel (epi-Gr in addition +logiawords)

In the epilogue,the author described what the characters of the novel did 15 years after the main narrative.
Synonyms:afterword, postlude Antonyms:prelude, forward, preface, prologue

❑ append(v) to affix something; to add on (ad-to+pendereto hang)

The publishers appendedan index to the end of the text to help the reader find things more easily.

❑ adjunct(adj) added in a subordinate capacity (ad-to+jungereto attach)

Although principally a biologist, Dr. Carter was also an adjunctprofessor in the zoology department.
Synonyms:subordinate, subsidiary

❑ augment(v) to add onto; to make greater (augereto increase)

One important way to augmentyour SAT score is to study vocabulary.
Synonyms:enlarge, enhance, amplify, boost, strengthen Antonym:diminish

❑ cession(n) the act of surrendering or yielding (cessareto yield)

Synonyms:capitulation, relinquishment

❑ affix(v) to attach (ad-to+figereto fasten)

Synonyms:annex, append

❑ appropriate(v) to take another’s work or possessions as one’s own (ad-to+propriusone’s own)

❑ encore(n) an extra performance at the end of a show (encoreFr again)

Synonym:curtain call

❑ appendix(n) supplementary material at the end of a text (ad-to+pendereto hang)


❑ supplement(v) to add something to complete or strengthen a whole (supplereto complete)

❑ circumscribed(adj) having distinct boundaries or limits (circum- around scribereto write)

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