SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Vocabulary Unit 7 Exercise Set I

Time—8 minutes
For each question, select the best answer among the choices given. Note any vocabulary words to
review on the Hit List below.

  1. While most people would probably be ------ in
    her position, Stacey somehow managed to
    remain upbeat and was convinced that things
    would get better.
    (A) elated
    (B) diminutive
    (C) defamed
    (D) anemic
    (E) despondent

  2. Seemingly without scruples, the professor ------
    the work of his graduate students and published
    papers on topics he himself had not even
    (A) isolated
    (B) relegated
    (C) appropriated
    (D) annexed
    (E) eulogized

  3. It is shocking that someone who was once so
    ------ by the public can so quickly become ------
    after just one social blunder.
    (A) belittled.. a malady
    (B) disparaged.. a pariah
    (C) saturated.. an exile
    (D) lionized.. an outcast
    (E) ostracized.. a recluse

  4. The dearth of ------ land in this region of the
    country makes it very difficult to maintain
    plentiful harvests.
    (A) desiccated
    (B) arable
    (C) fallow
    (D) celestial
    (E) arid

  5. The entrance of the cavern was so ------ that the
    indigenous tribes took advantage of its ------
    shelter to keep entire clans dry during the heavy
    rain season.
    (A) voluminous.. capacious
    (B) enormous.. scanty
    (C) cavernous.. meager
    (D) fecund.. spacious
    (E) astral.. copious
    6. Although many consider “Deadman’s Run” to
    be the most ------ ski trail on the mountain,
    Tommy was able to maneuver through the
    course without ------ after having just learned to
    (A) simple.. trouble
    (B) difficult.. speed
    (C) arduous.. exertion
    (D) pedestrian.. concern
    (E) pragmatic.. practical
    7. Zach’s knowledge of ------ helped him to identify
    and avoid the rare and poisonous African spit-
    ting beetle.
    (A) entomology
    (B) etymology
    (C) ethics
    (D) pathology
    (E) sociology
    8. The spy was immediately ------ back to his coun-
    try after he was caught attempting to pilfer
    information from the CIA database.
    (A) quarantined
    (B) secluded
    (C) disseminated
    (D) distended
    (E) deported
    9. It is hard to imagine that this barren desert with
    little to no plant life was once ------ with farms
    and wildlife.
    (A) doleful
    (B) replete
    (C) germinated
    (D) rarefied
    (E) afflicted

  6. After finishing a good novel, I’m always eager to
    see if an ------ follows to tell me what happened
    to the main characters after the conclusion of
    the narrative.
    (A) elegy
    (B) epitaph
    (C) epilogue
    (D) encore
    (E) eulogy

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