SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


  1. According to the metaphor in the final paragraph,
    the “costly vase” (line 51) represents
    (A) a materialistic aspiration
    (B) a meticulously crafted piece of modern art
    (C) an irretrievable frame of mind
    (D) a cynical attempt at forgery
    (E) a lack of purpose

  2. In saying that the soul “trembles in doubt” (line

  1. when it sees the “feeble light” (line 44), the
    author suggests that
    (A) artists have doubts about whether the era of
    materialism is truly past
    (B) the public is unsure that its hunger for art
    will be met
    (C) artists do not know from where their next
    inspiration will come
    (D) the Primitives found mysterious lights more
    frightening than modern people do
    (E) artists usually do not work well under the
    harsh light of scrutiny

  1. How would the author characterize the effect of
    materialism on the artist’s soul?
    (A) supportive
    (B) confusing
    (C) calming
    (D) oppressive
    (E) inspirational

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