SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Concept Review 2:

The Four Logical Relationships

  1. What are the four basic logical relationships a sentence may include?

After each sentence, describe its “logical structure” by circling each logical relationship—contrast, support,
cause and effect, or definition—that you can find within the sentence. (Remember that a sentence may show
more than one relationship.)

  1. Although he clearly was obsessed with the ------ of moral integrity, he was also aware of its potential -------:
    self-righteousness, arrogance, and condescension.

support contrast cause and effect definition

  1. Few of us appreciated our group leader’s ------; we were too intelligent and had too much self-esteem to be
    persuaded by her constant use of insult and humiliation.

support contrast cause and effect definition

  1. In need of a ------ from persecution, many young refugees wandered far from their homeland seeking ------
    communities in which to settle.

support contrast cause and effect definition

  1. Because the population of bacteria soon ------ the food supply, their once rapid proliferation soon slows, and
    may even stop altogether.

support contrast cause and effect definition

  1. Deer in the wild often seem ------ to the concept of death; they are utterly unaware of any danger even when
    they notice their friends nearby dropping one by one.

support contrast cause and effect definition

  1. Some contend that the quatrains of Nostradamus ------ events that would not take place for centuries,
    including ------ like wars, conflagrations, and earthquakes.

support contrast cause and effect definition

  1. While the script for the movie consummately depicted the wit and charm of Oscar Wilde, the incompetent
    actor portraying him mutilated the most ------ lines.

support contrast cause and effect definition

  1. The herd of lemmings always acted ------, thus ensuring that either they all survived or they all perished.

support contrast cause and effect definition

  1. By ------ his announcement of the new promotions, Carl felt that he could maintain his employees’ eager-
    ness with the element of anticipation.

support contrast cause and effect definition
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