SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

SAT Practice 3: Structural Keys


  1. His ------ maintained that Mr. Frank was con-
    stantly at odds with the corporate officers; yet the
    truth was that his ideas were not at all ------ with
    the officers’ reasonable goals.
    (A) detractors.. in accord
    (B) supporters.. at variance
    (C) advocates.. harmonious
    (D) disparagers.. incompatible
    (E) apologists.. in conflict

  2. In spite of the ------ of Larry’s speech, most of the
    audience was ------ well before he had finished.
    (A) conciseness.. cheering
    (B) humor.. intrigued
    (C) appropriateness.. enrapt
    (D) brevity.. asleep
    (E) cleverness.. reluctant

  3. If a child is ------ by arbitrary parental restric-
    tions and denied the opportunity to exercise per-
    sonal responsibility, at adolescence the child is
    likely to engage in dangerous and self-destructive
    (A) nurtured
    (B) appeased
    (C) confined
    (D) fascinated
    (E) liberated

  4. Although the government has frequently ------
    some parental responsibilities, at heart it must
    still be parents, not agencies, who are ------ to care
    for children.
    (A) obscured.. assumed
    (B) precluded.. adjured
    (C) exulted.. incompetent
    (D) disavowed.. impelled
    (E) usurped.. obligated

  5. The ------ of the neighborhood is revealed by sub-
    tle practices, like the fact that so many people in
    the community use the same hand gestures when
    (A) diversity
    (B) adaptability
    (C) modernization
    (D) cohesiveness
    (E) creativity

  6. During the day, crabs move slowly and ------, but
    at night, they roam ------ across sandy sea bot-
    toms, climbing reefs or foraging for kelp.
    (A) frantically.. wildly
    (B) cautiously.. freely
    (C) gradually.. sluggishly
    (D) deliberately.. carefully
    (E) rashly.. rapidly

  7. Because the President was used to receiving the
    support of his advisers, he was ------ when he dis-
    covered that their views on the handling of the
    crisis were ------ with his own.
    (A) stunned.. irreconcilable
    (B) relieved.. inconsistent
    (C) amused.. consonant
    (D) oblivious.. compatible
    (E) sorry.. commensurate

  8. The building should be ------ not only for its long-
    recognized architectural merit but also for its
    ------ in the history of Black American theater.
    (A) designed.. role
    (B) commissioned.. usefulness
    (C) preserved.. importance
    (D) demolished.. future
    (E) constructed.. place

  9. The lecture on number theory and its applica-
    tions might have been particularly trying for the
    nonspecialists in the audience had the professor
    not ------ it with humorous asides.
    (A) exhorted
    (B) leavened
    (C) intercepted
    (D) countermanded
    (E) rebuffed

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