SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Answer Key 3: Structural Keys

Concept Review 3

disagreement;advocates = supporters; harmo-
nious=in pleasant agreement; disparagers=crit-
ics;incompatible=difficult to reconcile; apologists
=those who make supportive arguments

  1. D In spite ofshows irony. It would certainly be
    ironic if the speech were short and yet still put
    people to sleep.

  2. C Parental restrictionsby definition are things
    thatconfine; nurtured= cared for; appeased=
    made less angry; liberated=freed

  3. E Although indicates contrast. The sentence
    makes it clear that although government has over-
    takensome parental responsibilities, still, parents,
    not agencies, shouldcare for children.
    obscured=made less clear; precluded=prevented;
    adjured=commanded solemnly; exulted=rejoiced;
    disavowed = renounced; impelled = urged to
    action;usurped=took over; obligated=morally

  4. but, however, in contrast, nevertheless, whereas,

  5. because, therefore, thus, by,etc.

  6. Colons indicate that an explanation or a list of ex-
    amples will follow; semicolons indicate that the
    statement that follows will extend or develop the
    previous one.

  7. Although(contrast)

  8. In order to(cause and effect); semicolon (support);
    that is(definition)

  9. not only... but also(support)

  10. Because(cause and effect); discovered(contrast)

  11. by(cause and effect); such as(support)

SAT Practice 3

  1. D The word likeindicates examples. What are
    common hand gestures examples of? The unity or
    sameness of the community.
    diversity=variety;adaptability=ability to fit in;

  2. B Thebutindicates contrast. The first missing
    word must fit well with slowly.

  3. A Becauseindicates cause and effect. The word
    discoverindicates surprise. If the President was
    used to receiving the support of his advisers,then it
    would be surprising to discover that they didn’t
    agree with him on something.
    irreconcilable=unable to be made to agree; con-
    sonant=in agreement with; oblivious=unaware;
    compatible=fitting well together; commensurate=
    in proportion to

  4. C Not only... but also.. .indicates a support-
    ive relationship between the ideas.
    commissioned=paid for an artistic work to be cre-

  5. B Itmight have been trying(difficult to tolerate)
    had the professor not ------ it with humorous asides.
    What do humorous asides do to make something
    easier to tolerate? They lightenit up.
    exhorted=urged strongly; leavened=lightened
    with humor; intercepted=caught in transit; coun-
    termanded=cancelled;rebuffed=refused abruptly

  6. D It’s not particularly good to be constantly at
    odds with the corporate officers,so this is some-
    thing that criticswould say of him. The word yet
    indicates a contrast. If the officers’ goals were rea-
    sonable,then one would likely not disagreewith

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