SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Concept Review 5: Using Context Intelligently

  1. What is parallelism, and how can it help you to complete sentences?

  2. What is a modifier?

  3. What should you do when you encounter an unfamiliar word in your reading?

Each of the three following sentences contains some of the same information, but in very different logical con-
texts.Complete each sentence with your own word or phrase according to the logical context.

  1. Britain can hardly be considered _____, despite the fact that it is separated from the Euro-
    pean continent both physically and linguistically.

  2. Even while it maintains a deep respect, even reverence, for its history, Britain can hardly be considered

  3. Britain can hardly be considered _____, having been reduced to a mere shadow of the vast
    dominion it once was.

Complete the following sentences with your own words or phrases, utilizing any parallelism in each sentence.

  1. The speakers ran the gamut from the eloquent to the bumbling; some were while
    others spoke with profound

  2. I did not want to sit through another lecture that was rambling and mind-numbing; rather, I was hoping for
    one that was and .


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