SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


SAT Practice 5: Using Context Intelligently

  1. Most art critics regard her early style as pedes-
    trian and conventional, utterly devoid of techni-
    cal or artistic ------.
    (A) lucidity
    (B) analysis
    (C) articulation
    (D) mediocrity
    (E) innovation

  2. Historical buildings in many developing towns,
    rather than being razed, are now being ------.
    (A) constructed
    (B) renovated
    (C) described
    (D) condemned
    (E) designed

  3. Some linguists claim that French is characterized
    by brevity of expression and therefore may be the
    most ------ of all languages.
    (A) beautiful
    (B) vivid
    (C) concise
    (D) accessible
    (E) concrete

  4. The melée that punctuated the meeting between
    the rival factions was not entirely ------; the
    groups have long ------ each other on many im-
    portant issues.
    (A) surprising.. supported
    (B) unusual.. copied
    (C) explicit.. evaluated
    (D) unanticipated.. opposed
    (E) expected.. encountered

  5. Having been devastated by the earthquake, the
    freeway was virtually ------ to all but the most
    rugged of vehicles.
    (A) destroyed
    (B) impassable
    (C) improper
    (D) winding
    (E) unnecessary

  6. Those who assume that they can easily be ------
    chefs in the classic tradition are almost as ------ as
    those who think they can write a novel if they
    simply sit down and type.
    (A) amateur.. candid
    (B) renowned.. skeptical
    (C) superb.. timid
    (D) clumsy.. pessimistic
    (E) competent.. naive

  7. Many opponents of psychoanalysis contend that
    since its assumptions cannot be tested with sci-
    entific rigor, it is properly characterized as
    merely ------ system rather than a reliable thera-
    peutic method.
    (A) a concise
    (B) a courageous
    (C) a necessary
    (D) an intuitive
    (E) an ornamental

  8. Paranoia, extreme competitiveness, and many
    other ------ of the modern rat race, despite what
    many cutthroat executives are saying, are hardly
    ------ to long-term success in the business world.
    (A) by-products.. conducive
    (B) responsibilities.. detrimental
    (C) ornaments.. helpful
    (D) establishments.. reliable
    (E) inequities.. charitable

  9. Under certain conditions, the virus can mutate
    into ------ strain, transforming what was once
    simply ------ into a menacing poison.
    (A) a new.. an epidemic
    (B) a deficient.. a derivative
    (C) an erratic.. a rudiment
    (D) a virulent.. a nuisance
    (E) an advanced.. a disease

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