SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


SAT Practice 6: The Toughest Sentences

  1. The country’s confidence, formerly sustained by
    an ------ sense of power, was replaced by an
    equally exaggerated sense of ------ following the
    hasty evacuation of its troops from three foreign
    (A) inflated.. weakness
    (B) overwhelming.. inviolability
    (C) erratic.. hysteria
    (D) unquestioned.. omnipotence
    (E) arbitrary.. resolution

  2. According to their detractors, the leaders of the
    Union for Progressive Politics do not truly ------
    change, but simply rehash old and discredited
    theories of political philosophy.
    (A) admonish
    (B) censor
    (C) advocate
    (D) caricature
    (E) hinder

  3. Dr. Cuthbert often ------ his former associates for
    not continuing to support him; apparently he
    harbored great animosity because of their ------ of
    (A) disparaged.. endorsement
    (B) excoriated.. abandonment
    (C) exonerated.. denunciation
    (D) extolled.. betrayal
    (E) venerated.. dismissal

  4. Despite her gregariousness, Andrea seems to
    have been a woman who cherished her ------
    (A) colleagues
    (B) friendships
    (C) privacy
    (D) integrity
    (E) humility

  5. It is extremely rare to see a politician ------ any
    opinion that is widely unpopular; it seems that,
    for them, public censure is more ------ even than
    (A) conform to.. desirable
    (B) tolerate.. exciting
    (C) reject.. feared
    (D) espouse.. painful
    (E) manipulate.. natural

  6. The cogency and animation he showed in private
    belied his reputation for a notably ------ style of
    (A) tepid
    (B) incisive
    (C) versatile
    (D) infrequent
    (E) fluent

  7. The haiku, with its ------, its reduction of natural
    and everyday events to their mere essence, seems
    to economically depict the ------ of even the sim-
    plest human experience.
    (A) casualness.. destructiveness
    (B) optimism.. barrenness
    (C) capriciousness.. rigidity
    (D) digressiveness.. precariousness
    (E) conciseness.. poignancy

  8. Sadly, most people who say they want change in
    public schools will struggle to resist it, or at least
    ------ its effects on them.
    (A) initiate
    (B) distort
    (C) palliate
    (D) defend
    (E) enhance

  9. Despite the ------ literature debunking the theory of
    ESP, a critical and rational awareness of the sub-
    ject continues to ------ most of the public.
    (A) vivid.. pervade
    (B) voluminous.. elude
    (C) provocative.. captivate
    (D) ambiguous.. perplex
    (E) incomprehensible.. escape

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