SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Answer Key 6: The Toughest Sentences


Concept Review 6

  1. Complicated or ambiguous logical structure.

  2. Abstract nouns are nouns that represent ideas,
    quantities, or qualities; that is, they represent
    things that cannot be directly perceived.

  3. The lack (abstract noun) of interest (abstract noun)
    among the voters (concrete noun) ensured that the
    referendum (abstract noun) about the new play-
    ground (concrete noun) could sneak through, even
    though it contained some objectionable clauses (ab-
    stract noun).

  4. It is common to find people who believe in ghosts.

  5. The council blocked every motion.
    6. Despite the easeof the climb, the explorers were
    beginning to believe that the trek would soon be-
    cometreacherous.(or some similar words)
    Despite the arduousnessof the climb, the explor-
    ers were beginning to believe that the trek would
    soon become easier.(or some similar words)
    7. Far from being passiveon the issue of gun control,
    Will has pontificatedon the issue for many years.
    (or some similar words)
    Far from being consistenton the issue of gun con-
    trol, Will has equivocatedon the issue for many
    years. (or some similar words)

SAT Practice 6

  1. A What would follow a hasty evacuationof a
    country’s troops? A feeling of being overwhelmed
    and defeated, most likely. This feeling of weak-
    ness,we are told, is just as exaggeratedas the sense
    of power just prior to the withdrawal.
    ria=irrational and exaggerated emotion; omnipo-
    tence=supreme power; arbitrary=based on whim
    and random power; resolution=determination

  2. C If their detractors(critics) believe that they
    onlyrehash old and discredited theories,then they
    are suggesting that they do not really speak out for
    admonish=reprimand;censor=eliminate objec-
    tionable material; advocate=speak in favor of;
    caricature=exaggerate comically; hinder=get in
    the way of

  3. B If his associates did not continue to support
    him, they must have abandonedhim. If he har-
    boredanimosityfor them, he must have criticized
    disparaged= criticized harshly; endorsement=
    show of support; excoriated=criticized harshly;
    exonerated=proved innocent; denunciation=con-
    demnation;extolled=praised highly; venerated=

  4. C Despiteindicates contrast. Gregariousnessis
    sociability. Its opposite is solitude, reclusiveness,

  5. D Ifpublic censureis like death,politicians must
    not like it. They must never openly adopta widely
    unpopular opinion.

conform=do what is expected; espouse=adopt
publicly;manipulate=take control of

  1. A Cogencyispersuasivenessandanimationis
    liveliness.Tobelieis to misrepresent,so he must
    nothave a reputation for being lively and persua-
    sive, so people must think he’s dull.
    tepid = dull, lukewarm; incisive = keen and
    thoughtful; versatile = well-rounded; fluent =
    smooth, flowing

  2. E The first word must mean something like re-
    duction to its essence,and the second word must
    mean something like essence.
    randomness;digressiveness=tendency to go off
    topic; precariousness = danger; conciseness =
    brevity;poignancy=sharpness of feeling

  3. C If they resistit, then they want to prevent its
    effects on him, or at least minimizeits effects on
    initiate=begin;distort=twist;palliate=make less
    severe;enhance=make better

  4. B Despiteindicates irony. If there is literature de-
    bunking the theory of ESP,it would be ironic if the
    publicfailed to developa critical and rational
    awareness of the subject. What would make it
    even more ironic is if the literature were plentiful.
    vivid=full of vibrant imagery; pervade=fill com-
    pletely;voluminous=plentiful;elude=escape cap-
    ture or understanding; provocative=tending to
    elicit strong reactions; captivate=capture;am-
    hensible=beyond understanding

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