SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Concept Review 8

  1. Check your answer by plugging it back into the
    original equation and checking your steps.
    Write out each step, one beneath the other, so
    that checking your logic and arithmetic is

  2. Estimate only when it is easy to do. If the answer
    choices are numerically far apart, estimation can
    help you to eliminate obviously wrong answers.

  3. If you can quickly “ballpark” a numerical answer
    and rule out those choices that are “out of the ball-

park,” you can often avoid doing complicated cal-
culations or algebra.

  1. Reread the question and make sure that you’ve
    answered the right question, and make sure that
    your answer makes sense in the context of the

  2. Dividing by 0 and taking the square root of an ex-
    pression that can be negative are not allowed be-
    cause they are undefined.

Answer Key 8:CheckingYour Work

SAT Review 8

  1. 30 The simplest way to solve this problem is to
    add 10 to both sides of the equation, which gives
    3 x+ 5 = 30. However, many students do the
    “knee-jerk” of solving for xand become prone to
    silly arithmetic mistakes. If you didsolve for x,
    you should have checked your answer by plug-
    ging it back in to the original equation.

  2. D Did you say (C)? Then you misread the question.
    Always reread before marking your answer. It
    asks for the value of s^2 , not s.Although scan be 0
    or 2, s^2 is either 0 or 4. Did you say (A) or (B)?
    Then you may have made this common mistake:

s^2 – 1 = 2s– 1
Add 1: s^2 = 2s
Divide by s: s= 2

What went wrong? In the second step, we divided
by s without checking whether it could equal 0.
(Remember that division by 0 is undefined and
usually causes trouble.) Indeed, plugging in
shows that s= 0 is in fact a solution. The correct
method is

s^2 – 1 = 2s– 1
Add 1: s^2 = 2s
Subtract 2s: s^2 – 2s= 0
Factor: s(s– 2) = 0
Use 0 product property: s= 0 or 2

  1. E You might start by approximating. Since
    the sum of their ages is about 60, and since
    Tom is about twice as old as Julio, Tom is about
    40 and Julio is about 20. This rules out (A) and
    (B). From here, you may just want to “test” the
    remaining choices until you find what works. If
    you prefer algebra, you may want to let tequal
    Tom’s age now and jequal Julio’s age now. You
    are told that t+ j= 65 and that 2(j– 1) = t– 1.
    Since you only need the value of t, solve the
    first equation for j,getting j= 65 – t, and sub-
    stitute this into the second equation. This gives

2(65 – t– 1) = t– 1
Simplify: 2(64 – t) = t – 1
Distribute: 128 – 2t= t– 1
Add 2tand 1: 129 = 3t
Divide by 3: 43 = t

Therefore, Tom is now 43 and Julio is now 65 – 43 =

  1. Notice that last year they were 42 and 21, respec-
    tively, and 42 is twice as old as 21.

  2. E Since more students averaged 80% than 70%, the
    overall average should be closer to 80%. This rules out
    (A) and (B). To get the precise answer, let xbe the
    overall average. There are two ways to calculate the

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