SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. What is a prime number? __

  2. What is a remainder? ___

  3. An odd number is __
    and can always be expressed as ____.

  4. What can you do to avoid confusing oddwith negativeor evenwith positive? __

  5. How do you find a remainder with your calculator? __

  6. If an integer is divisible by k,12, and 35, and kis a prime number greater than 7, then the integer must also
    be divisible by which of the following? (Circle all that apply.)
    3 k 5 k^2102428 kk+^12235 k

  7. When a whole number is divided by 7, what are the possible remainders? __

  8. What is the 100th term of this sequence? 3, 5, 7, 3, 5, 7,... 8. __

  9. What is the remainder when 357 is divided by 4? 9. __

  10. When xapples are divided equally among 7 baskets, one apple remains. 10. __
    When those apples are divided equally among 9 baskets, one apple remains.
    If xis greater than 1 but less than 100, what is x?

1, 2, 2, 1,...

  1. In the sequence above, every term from the third onward is the quotient 11. __
    of the previous term divided by the next previous term. For instance, the
    7th term is equal to the quotient of the 6th term divided by the 5th term.
    What is the 65th term of this sequence?

  2. When an odd number is divided by 2, the remainder is always __.

  3. How many multiples of 6 between 1 and 100 are also multiples of 9? 13. __

  4. How many multiples of 6 between 1 and 100 are also prime? 14. __

  5. If zis an integer, which of the following must be odd? (Circle all that apply.)

5 z 4 z− 17 z+ 2 z^2 z^2 + 1 z^3 z^2 +z+ 1

  1. If adivided by bleaves a remainder of r,then amust be __ greater than a multiple of __.


Concept Review 7: Divisibility


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