SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1



A system is simply a set of equations that are true at
the same time, such as these:

Although many values for xand y“satisfy” the first
equation, like (4, 0) and (2, −3) (plug them in and
check!), there is only one solution that works in both
equations: (6, 3). (Plug this into both equations and

The Law of Substitution

The law of substitutionsimply says that if
two things are equal, you can always substitute
one for the other.


The easiest way to solve this is to substitutethe sec-
ond equation (which is already “solved” for y) into the
first, so that you eliminateone of the unknowns. Since
y=x+1, you can replace the yin the first equation
with x+1 and get
3 x+(x+1)^2 = 7
FOIL the squared binomial: 3 x+x^2 + 2 x+ 1 = 7
Combine like terms: x^2 + 5 x+ 1 = 7
Subtract 7: x^2 + 5 x− 6 = 0
Factor the left side: (x+6)(x−1) = 0
Apply the Zero Product Property: x=−6 or x= 1
Plug values back into 2nd equation:
y=(−6) + 1 =− 5
or y=(1) + 1 = 2
Solutions: (−6, −5) and (1, 2) (Check!)

Combining Equations

If the two equations in the system are alike
enough, you can sometimes solve them more
easily by combining equations. The idea is sim-
ple: if you add or subtract the corresponding
sides of two true equations together, the result
should also be a true equation, because you are
adding equal things to both sides. This strategy
can be simpler than substitution.












Add equations: 5 x = 30
Divide by 5: x= 6

Plug this back in and solve for y:
2(6) − 5 y= 7
Simplify: 12 − 5 y= 7
Subtract 12: − 5 y=− 5
Divide by 5: y= 1

Special Kinds of “Solving”

Sometimes a question gives you a system,
but rather than asking you to solve for each
unknown, it simply asks you to evaluate another
expression. Look carefully at what the question
asks you to evaluate, and see whether there is a
simple way of combining the equations (adding,
subtracting, multiplying,dividing) to find the

If 3x− 6 y=10 and 4x+ 2 y=2, what is the value of
7 x− 4 y?
Don’t solve for xand y! Just notice that 7x− 4 yequals
(3x− 6 y) +(4x+ 2 y)= 10 + 2 =12.

“Letter-Heavy” Systems

An equation with more than one unknown, or a
system with more unknowns than equations, is
“letter-heavy.” Simple equations and systems
usually have just one solution, but these “letter-
heavy” equations and systems usually have more
than one solution, and you can often easily find
solutions simply by “plugging in” values.

If 2m+ 5 n=10 and m≠0, then what is the value


You can “guess and check” a solution to the equation
pretty easily. Notice that m=−5, n=4 works. If you
plug these values into the expression you’re evaluating,
you’ll see it simplifies to 2.


10 5

− n


25 7

35 23




Lesson 2: Systems

Adding the correspond-
ing sides will eliminate
the y’s from the system
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