SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Concept Review 7: Word Problems

For each of the following statements, specify and name the unknowns and translate the statement into an equation.

  1. Mike is twice as old as Dave was 5 years ago.

  2. The population of town A is 40% greater than the population of town B.

  3. After 2/3 of the marbles are removed from a jar, 5 more than 1/6 of the marbles remain.

  4. In a jar, there are 4 more than twice as many blue marbles as red marbles.

Solve the following word problems.

  1. Three candy bars and two lollipops cost $2.20, and four candy bars and two lollipops cost $2.80. What is the
    cost of one lollipop?

  2. At a football stadium, 2/3 of the seats were filled at the beginning of a game. At halftime, 1,000 people left
    the stadium, leaving 3/7 of the seats filled. What is the total number of seats in the stadium?

  3. If the average of mand nis one-half of the average of sand t,then what is sin terms of m, n,and t?

  4. A blue chip is worth 2 dollars more than a red chip, and a red chip is worth 2 dollars more than a green chip.
    If 5 green chips are worth mdollars, give an expression that represents the price, in dollars, of 10 blue chips
    and 5 red chips.

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