SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Similar Figures

When you think of similaryou probably think
of “almost the same, but not quite.” In mathe-
matics, however, the word similarhas a much
more specific, technical meaning. Two figures
are similar if they are the same shape, but not
necessarily the same size. For instance, all cir-
cles are similar to each other, and all squares
are similar to each other: there is only one
“shape” for a circle, and only one “shape” for a
square. But there are many different shapes
that a rectangle may have, so two rectangles
aren’t necessarily similar.

If two shapes are similar, then all correspond-
ing angles are equal and all corresponding
lengths are proportional.

Use proportions to find the lengths of un-
known sides in similar figures.


What is xin the figure at left below?

  • Two pairs of corre-
    sponding sides are
    proportional and the
    angles between them are equal.

  • All three pairs of
    corresponding sides
    are proportional.

Ratios of Areas

Consider two squares: one with a side length of 2 and
the other with a side length of 3. Clearly, their sides
are in the ratio of 2:3. What about their areas? That’s
easy: their areas are 2^2 =4 and 3^2 =9, so the areas are
in a ratio of 4:9. This demonstrates a fact that is true
of all similar figures:

If corresponding lengths of two similar figures
have a ratio of a:b, then the areas of the two fig-
ures have a ratio of a^2 :b^2.

A garden that is 30 feet long has an area of 600
square feet. A blueprint of the garden that is
drawn to scale depicts the garden as being 3 inches
long. What is the area of the blueprint drawing of
the garden?
It is tempting to want to say 60 square inches be-
cause 30:600 =3:60. But be careful: the ratio of
areas is the square of the ratio of lengths! You can
draw a diagram, assuming the garden to be a rec-
tangle. (The shape of the garden doesn’t matter: it’s
convenient to draw the garden as a rectangle, but
it doesn’t have to be.) Or you can simply set up the
proportion using the formula:

Cross-multiply: 900 x=5,400
Divide by 900: x= 6






== 2

Lesson 6: Similar Figures

10 7



The two triangles are similar because all of their corre-
sponding angles are equal. (Even though only two
pairs of angles are givenas equal, we know that the
other pair are also equal, because the angles in a trian-
gle must add up to 180°.) So we can set up a proportion
of corresponding sides:

Cross-multiply: 7x= 80

Divide by 7: x=80/7 =11.43

Two triangles are similar if any of the follow-
ing is true:

  • Two pairs of corre-
    sponding angles are
    equal. (If two pairs
    are equal, the third pair must be equal, too.)





30 feet

20 feet

3 inches

a° a° 600 sq. ft 2 inches 6 sq. in

b° b°

a° a°

6 3
6 3
(^3) 1.5

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